Driving tips
- If your getting out of another cars way to let them pass move over into the right hand lane. DO NOT get into the left hand lane! You will only piss off the people that are in that lane, which are driving faster than the person you just let pass!
- If you are driving in the far left lane you had better be going at least 5 miles over the speed limit. However, if you are going 10 miles over don't feel like you should get over if some one comes up behind you wanting to go faster. I know I'm not getting out of their way if I'm already going 10 miles over.
- There is a reason why your car has blinkers on it. . . . USE THEM ! ! !
- Don't leave your blinkers on for an extended period of time. Most likely someone will think your turning and pull out in front of you and you will be hit. Plus it's just incredibly annoying seeing someone drive around with the blinkers on and they never turn.
- I understand that some people are going to talk on their phone or eat while driving and some women will put on their makeup too, but there are some things that are just beyond ridiculous. I saw a woman plucking her eyebrows while she sat at a stop light! I've seen another person working on their lap top in the passenger seat! DON'T DO THIS PEOPLE!!!
- If you own a fancy car such as a Jaguar you do not need a license plate that reads "up gr8d"!!! Just owning the car makes you a jack ass you don't need to boast it just makes you an incredibly cocky, arrogant, smug, conceited ASS HOLE!
- Speaking of stupid license plates don't get ones that say things like vroom... or lkmytoy
- When your at a red light slowing creeping up inch by inch is not going to make the light change any fast. You just make yourself look stupid.
- If your looking for a parking spot and see someone coming out of the store DON'T wait for them to load up their vehicle and leave just so you can get their space! Your pissing off the cars that are behind you. It makes you an incredibly selfish person and chances are you need to park in the back of the parking lot cause you need to walk to loose some weight! If you have a medical EXCUSE for needing that spot then you need to go to the doctor and get a handicap sign so you can park in the handicap spots if your that desperate.
- Speaking of parking spots it doesn't matter if your just running in to get something DO NOT take up more than one parking spot! Even if your not over the line you still might be hindering others from parking next to you because you have parked so close to the line they wouldn't be able to get out of their car. It is selfish and inconsiderate.
- When driving on the highway, if your in the exit only lane and it's not your exit and you can't get back over DON'T FREAK OUT!!! If you get off at the exit there is normally an on ramp on the other side or at least across the over pass. It isn't a big deal. DO NOT stop in the exit lane and block traffic trying to get back over. Also DO NOT slam on breaks in the space right in front of the exit sign, in between the exit and lanes of traffic. Most people are not going to let you back over and who ever is nice enough to let you in is still going to be mad at you because your a moron!
- Also if your in one of the left lanes don't fly across traffic trying to catch your exit. If you were stupid enough not to pay attention to the fact that your exit is coming up to get over sooner than you don't decerve to get over. Get off on one of the next exits and double back around. IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD!!! but you might end someone elses by wrecking.