There always seems to be something going wrong with me. As a baby I had colic and reflux and asthma. As a child I caught the stomach virus all the time and I never showed up on strep tests. I once got scarlet fever from not being treated for strep because the test was negative so after that if the symptoms were there they treated me for it. Like most children I had the chick pocks so that was no big deal. I hardly remember it (unlike my sister who caught it twice. she had a mild case, I got it from her, then she got a regular case of it from me lol). In middle school I had more problems with my asthma but nothing to serious. i started having pains in some of my joints. The doctor said it was just growing pains but they continued even after I was done growing. I later found out what they were and I'll get to that in a min. I got mono in high school along with several other students who had drank from the water fountain at school (which is why I never drink from fountains any more). I was diagnosed with psoriasis and severe allergies. Then acid reflux disease in college. None of these though explain why I have always been tired (I got in trouble a ton all through life for falling asleep in class, at church, everywhere). They also don't explain why my white blood cell count has always been lower than it should be.
First off my psoriasis isn't severe I have medicine for it so the only thing it that sometimes my legs itch, o and don't forget the arthritis that goes along with that. The psoriasis didn't show up till 2005 but the arthritis I've had since I was in middle school. The doctor always said it was just growing pains, even after I had stopped growing. What the hell do you think it is now you dumb ass! Anyways When the dermatologist told me that I had psoriasis and that I'll probably get arthritis I laughed and knew immediately what my pain had been all these years. So now I just pop some ibprophine when the pain starts and knock it outa the way.
So a few years later my stomach starts to bother me, which really isn't a surprise since I constantly got the stomach virus as a child. Well it got really bad so I went to the doctor. They did an endoscopy on me and determined that I have acid reflux disease. Now that shouldn't have surprised me either since I had reflux and colic as a baby. But non the less I was pissed. Seriously? another thing that I'll have for the rest of my life! But now I have it under control to a certain extent. I know what I can't and shouldn't eat, I take medicine once a day, and I deal with stress much better. Now don't get me wrong it's still a HUGH PAIN IN THE ASS to deal with. I do eat stuff that I shouldn't cause it's really really good (mostly mexican food hahaha). I have lost weight from this but I sloooowly gain some of it back. I guess that could be considered a plus, staying small hahaha. . . .
Well psoriasis and acid reflux are a daily battle but there's something that only works on killing me once a year and that's allergies. It's deathly! every spring it hits me like a ton of bricks. Stuffy and running nose, itchy red eyes, headaches, sore throat. It's incredibly aggravating. My major allergy is grass. Can you believe that GRASS! People always say just find out what your allergic to and then stay away from it. . . well that's a lot easier said than done. Grass is everywhere especially down here in south Ga. The ground will literally be yellow from all the pollen. Cars are covered in it (lucky for me my car is yellow lol). Forget about germs and bacteria flying through the air we need to be more concerned about the pollen! I'm suppose to be taking Nasonex, which is a prescription but since I've moved to Atlanta I do alright with just off the shelf stuff. This is because Atlanta doesn't have enough grass to cause me serious problems. Right now though I am in Albany, which is hell. I've been down here for a week and I feel shit! I don't know how much longer I can take it. My other allergies aren't as bad. I'm allergic to certain types of mold and mildew (which can be cool cause I can walk into a room and tell you if it's there lol. See if your allergic to something then your more sensitive to it than most people. If it's an air born allergy like mold/mildew you can usually smell it unlike people who aren't allergic to it). Then there's orris root. If you don't know what that is then your like most people in the world. Orris root is what they use to make anything with a fragrance. That's right perfume, cologne, lotion, soap, detergent, air fresheners, etc. They all have it! There are a few companies that make perfume and cologne that don't use it but those are going to cost you an arm and a leg. However there are companies that are making allergy free products. I have dryer sheets that are fragrance free that are for people who have allergies. It's wonderful!!! lol. But anyways that can be a pain in the ass to deal with. And my last allergy is cockroaches. Yes that's right cockroaches. lol. It's an air allergy though, all my allergies are air allergies. I never knew that cockroaches were producing anything that you could smell but aparently they do. I can walk into a room and tell you if there's a cockroach in there, dead or alive. I will start sneezing really bad. It's not a terrible thing to be allergic to though it's actually worked out in my advantage. I now use they excuse that I'm allergic to them so I can't be the one to kill them or pick them up to throw them away hahahaha. . .
So that's what kills me. I wonder what else I'll get. I wonder what will do me in. hahahaha . . .