Yup I got to go visit the lovely facilities at Phoebe hospital. lol. I woke up at 5am on Wednesday sick. By lunch time I managed to keep down some Imodium but that was it. Everything else crackers, ginger ale, other medicines all came right back up. Finally that afternoon things calmed down a little bit, but that was only because I had nothing else to throw up and I wasn't drinking anything else. That evening dad, who had also been sick, had been able to keep some food down and was doing much better. So I tried eating a couple of crackers and a few sips of ginger ale. Nope with in minutes it all came back up. It was 8pm and I still couldn't keep anything down. I was very dehydrated and there were no signs of it going away any time soon. So mom took me to the er. We sat there for a long time of course. Finally I got to go back. They gave me an iv for fluid and put nausea med. in the iv to keep me from throwing up any more. They also gave me some liquid medicine to settle my stomach. It all helped a lot. Just the fluid alone made me feel much better. They took some blood and I peed in a cup, which by the way the bathroom I had to use was at the very end of the hall way, (YOU'RE MAKING A PERSON WHO IS VERY DEHYDRATED WALK ALL THE WAY TO THE OTHER END OF THE HALL WAY TO USE THE BATHROOM) anyways. . . also there was no little shelf or anything in the bathroom to place the cup on before or after I was done with it, so there was a lot of balancing tricks going on lol. Not that anyone needed to know that. Well once I was hooked up to the iv they rolled me down to a different room and hooked me up to check my vital signs. I had an blood oxygen thing taped to my finger, the blood pressure thing on my other arm randomly checking that, and 5 of those sticky things stuck to my chest to check my heart rate i guess. (let me just say those things hurt like shit when you take them off. the nurse told me she was going to let me take them off myself, which at the time i didn't understand why cause she pulled off the tape that was on iv that hurt like crap)My blood test and pee test all came back normal, it wasn't food poisoning or bacteria so they said it was a virus. The only strange thing that I heard was they said that my white blood cell count was normal. I thought that was strange because my white blood cell count has always been lower than the norm. but I guess with it trying to fight the virus my white blood count being high would look like a normal count lol. whatever I'm so weird. So we finally got home at 2am. I went straight to bed.
The next morning mom made me some soup before she left for work and brought me down some more ginger ale and a banana to eat if I feel like trying. I slept most of the day. I did manage to eat the soup, half of the banana and had 2 ginger ales. That night I had a piece of cheese toast. woo hoo. lol. The crazy thing is that dad had freaking Mexican for lunch! FRIED MEXICAN on top of that! Can you believe that. Didn't even phase him. So not fair. Well it's now Friday and I did go to work today. I'm a little sore but not to bad and my arm where the iv was doesn't hurt any more. I'm still just tired a little. So glad that's all over with.