So I had made up a list of things that I wanted to do in life. You know like a bucket list or whatever you wanna call it. But I wrote it in my journal which I no longer have. So I'm starting over. I'm going to make the list on here and I'll keep up with when I reach one on here also. Now most of them are things that wont happen anytime soon actually I can't really think of any that I can do now hahahaha but that isn't going to stop me. My list is long and many of them are pretty far fetched but who knows where life will take me and what I'll be doing. So here goes . . . .
Well I thought some of them were really far fetched but I guess not. lol. I went skydiving that's pretty exciting. checking out what I want to try to take on next!
visit the horses of the Gilbert Jones herd of Spanish Mustangs on Blackjack Mountain in Oklahoma.
attend the annual Ostrich Festival at Tumbleweed Park in Chandler, Arizona
attend all the weddings of my friends
visit Australia
visit Ireland, Scotland, Iceland, England, and all the famous places in Europe
visit parts of Russia and Africa
take a real safari in Africa
fly through the tree tops on a zip line - april 9, 2011
skydive - march 24, 2012
visit Sequoia National Park in California and walk through one of the trees
visit Niagara falls
go to a college football game
swim with sharks
get to be in the audience of the Craig Ferguson night talk show
play in a large waterfall
cross country road trip
over come my fears
trip in a hot air balloon
climb a mountain
visit Egypt
visit Alaska and touch an iceberg
watch a meteor shower
steal a street sign
play in the rain
take a self defense class
ride in a gondola in Venice
visit the Grand Canyon
visit Greece
visit Rome
see the Northern Lights
visit an ice cave in argentina
visit the Galaji temple in Rajasthan
more to come when I think of them :)