Well last weekend I had lunch with Betsy. She was just passing through town for a couple of hours. And Saturday I went swimming with Sarah, Chris, Ben and JD. We had so much fun and it felt so good being in a pool on such a hot day! Chris was cracking us up with his umbrella rigged up in the pool ladder in the shallow end. And he got Ben to bring him a bucket to sit on also. LOL. We also had a blast watching the guys do cannon balls, dives and attempting to flip off the diving board. Poor Ben was too young when they had a pool that he missed out on learning how to dive and some other fun jumps so we taught him some stuff lol. It was a great day and just what I needed.

Sunday I bought a new power cord for my laptop cause the one I had shorted out. Well this one lasted 15mins! So I was kinda freaking out that it might be my laptop instead. So Monday I took my laptop to the computer guys to see if it was my laptop or just a defective cord. Luckily my laptop is ok. My battery is dead and has to be kept out or else it might kill everything. And the power cord I had bought at walmart on Sunday was apparently defective. So I got a new cord from the computer people and took the crap one back. It was a big relief that I don't have to buy a new laptop.
I also hit a squirrel on Monday heading to work. It's the first time I've ever hit something and I made the mistake of looking back. Well it was terrible!!! The squirrel was in the road flailing about! I FELT HORRIBLE!!! Everyone was like "Casey you never look back!" Yes, thank you I know that now! That's really something they should teach in drivers ed or put it on the driving test. Seriously! I've been hunting several time before and I never felt bad but man I sure felt bad hitting that squirrel! I guess it's because when I went hunting they always fell over dead right then, it was immediate, whereas the squirrel was suffering. When I told my parents my mom was like awwwwww and my dad laughed. He did try to comfort me by saying that I probably didn't kill the squirrel. I just bumped it and he was confused and then ran off. This offered very little comfort cause I know what the thud sounded like when I hit it. It was traumatic. lol.