Sunday, May 17, 2009

Like No Others

I have got the best friends in the world. They are always there for me in my time of sorrow and pain. They are great listeners and only want the best for me, and i only want the best for them as well. With out my friends i would be lost and without comfort. They help lift me up when im down. They pray for me when i am in need. They mean the world to me and i dont know what i would do with out a any of them. We are a special group, a unit, and without just one of us the bunch would be incomplete. We are all so different from each other and yet there is something that also brings us all together. God has a plan for each of us. Totally different from one another and yet He brought us all together through our time together as kids. We have grown up together, shared adventures, experiences, and heartaches. What we didnt share together we shared in stories during slumber parties, annual dinners, phone calls, and emails. There are 6 of us, we went to 5 different schools, had different home lives, and even have some different views on life and yet we all grew in the same church. God has a plan for each of us and we are all a part of the others plan. Gods plan for us as friends started in 1988 and continues to this day. As adults, college graduates, and spouses we still make time for each other. We have watched each other grow and change and continue to. We care about one another like no one else. No one can take the place of even a single one of them. I love these girls with all my heart. They are my best friends, they always have been and always will be.


  1. Friends are far and few me, if you've got good friends you are truly blessed.

  2. Yes, we are definitely blessed to have each other in our lives. I can't wait until the next time we can all be together. What a beautiful blog post! I love you!

