Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Craze

Thanksgiving this year was filled with love, laughter and loads of stress. You see when you no longer live with your parents, spending a weekend "traped" with them will drive you crazy. And I spent wednesday-sunday with them so I was definately losing my mind. We stayed at my sister's house which can also be a bit stressful too lol. My sister obviously no longer lives with our parents so being "traped" with them for a few days makes her a lil crazy too. She also has 3 children, 2boys ages 7 and 5, and a girl who is 6weeks old. Naturally it's a loud and busy house hahaha. . . My niece is sooo precious! I got some great shots of her this weekend and they are just too cute! Now my nephews will definately wear you out. They love to wrestle, run, dance, be loud, etc. lol. But hey their little boys that's what they do and we wouldn't want them any other way. Don't get me wrong I love my nephews they are sweet, thoughtful, loving, and hilarious! But being a single person who lives alone I'm just not use to the noise and busyness of it all hahaha. Let me tell you if you were thinking of having kids or know someone that is you should send them to spend the weekend over there and see if they can handle it, cause it will certainly make you appricate your life. Now I do want kids some day a long long long long long time from now and hanging out over there just helps me remember that lol.

So I just got to say I think my sister is one of the most amazing people ever! She is one of my heros for sure. She had an emergency c-section with the first one, a planed c-section with the other two but had an emergency historectomy, which she could have died from, with the last one and never misses a beat. She deals with two little boys and a 6 week old girl and does it miraculously. It blows me away that she handels all that like it's no big deal and also deals with our parents being there lol. I know that it's just something you do when your a parent, but I'm not one so I think it's an amazing ability hahaha. . . One day in the very very very distant future I'll have kids and I'll be doing it too and I know that she'll definatly be a great influence on me as I go through it all. Every time she's been pregnant she tells me what I should and shouldn't do when I get pregnant. Everything from food you should stay away from to medical procedures that hurt like hell lol. I'll probably be calling her several times a week when I'm pregnant hahahaha. . . . Forget needing to read books about it I got Erin Kehren as my sister and she's wonderful! She is the best sister anyone could ever have!
Eddie and I playing Jenga. The score is 1-1 we gota break the tie at christmas.

erin and eddie


  1. *sniffling*
    thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me...thank you. im glad someone notices :)
    i love you

  2. awwww You are too sweet of a sis :) I know that meant a lot to Erin <3
