I don't understand why people think that just because I'm a photographer my whole life should revolve around photography. That my whole world is all about photography and art. Guess what it doesn't! That's stupid! Being a photographer doesn't define who am. I am many things not just a photographer! I am a friend, daughter, sister, aunt, woman, single person in a committed relationship. I work at the elections and registration office. I love watching movies. I love going to the beach and hanging out with my friends. I don't even really like art. I don't know who painted what or what time period a statue was made. That does not interest me. I don't really like andy warhols work. I am not inspired very often by famous photographers from history. I am inspired by things I see in the world! Just because I went to an art school doesn't mean that I am an artsy person. I love taking photos, I like creating things with my hands, and I like doodling. That's it! I don't draw elaborate pictures, I don't paint (in fact I hate painting), I don't make sculptures our of clay or wood (I wouldn't even know how to do that), I also am not into doing all kinds of darkroom magic with my pictures. I like film I think it's fine but frankly I prefer my digital camera and a computer. That's how I work! I don't care if you think that film is better than digital. That's your opinion and I don't care about your opinion. Don't try to convince me that film is better, to me that's like having an argument about politics. If you want to argue you need to find someone else to talk to cause I am going to ignore you or just walk away. I am not much for debating technology. I use what I can afford, if you have a problem with that get over it. I can make just as good a photograph as someone one who has the most expensive stuff and someone with a point and shoot camera could make a better picture than someone with an slr camera. Yes technology can certainly help a photograph but it really comes down to the person taking the photograph and the person looking at the photograph. It's all about aesthetics and everyone's is different. So no I don't care if you don't like my work, what I use, or the way I work, because there are people out there that do. I am not going to bend over backwards to please everyone! I am going to do what I want to do, with what I want and how I want.
Do I have a passion for photography? HELL YEA I DO! But it doesn't consume my life. I love going out with my friends. I love spending time with my niece and nephews. I love sitting around talking and playing games with my sister and brother-in-law. I love going to the beach. I love cuddling up with my man on the couch and watching movies. I love traveling. I love going out doing stuff like going into thrift stores, swimming, walking, checking out the sites, etc. I love to sleep. There are so many other aspects in a persons life that make them who they are and to be defined by just one is ridiculous.