So yesterday I went to the lake with my parents and tried to ski again. I tried last year but my arm strength wasn't that great so I couldn't really pull my self up all that well. But this year I did it! It took me about 12 trys of crashing and getting bruises on my leg I finally got up and skied for about 10 seconds. Now I know that doesn't sound like very long but when you've never skied before 10 seconds feels like a long time! lol. Then saturday afternoon I tried again and got up the first time! I also lasted at LEAST 30 seconds maybe a lil longer. It was AWESOME! But then I crashed and couldn't get back up again cause I was too tired. I have 4 bruises on my legs and the whole front of my body is sunburned, but it was so much fun and I was so excited that I did it.
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