yahoo article
So apparently some people think that todays superhero movies are a bad influence on kids. I think this is ridiculous. "Sharon Lamb from the University of Massachusetts-Boston, who spoke on behalf of the study, explained: "Today's superhero is too much like an action hero who participates in non-stop violence; he's aggressive, sarcastic, and rarely speaks to the virtue of doing good for humanity". I'm sorry but isn't that what the real world is like!?! People are aggressive, pushy, sarcastic, etc. That is the real world why would you want to portray the world as a place where everyone is nice, and virtuous. And what is she talking about they rarely speak to the virtue of doing good for humanity? Spider man fights crime they even had a parade for him for all the good he had done. Bruce Wayne's whole reason for becoming batman was for justice! To fight crime and protect is city. And IronMan fights crime on a bigger scale going after bad people that are more on his level like rich, powerful people.
Sharon also said,"When not in superhero costume, these men, like Iron Man, exploit women, flaunt bling, and convey their manhood with high-powered guns." Duh of course they do that's what the youth of today are constantly bombarded with on tv and movies. I think it's about time they see someone that might be like those people doing something that actually helps human kind. To see that regular people, people with problems and flaws and personal battles can do the right thing, can be virtuous, can do their part, can change!
Another problem I have with this is where she says, "The problem is, of course, that real-life humans haven't been bitten by radioactive spiders or developed mutant powers. As the researchers discovered, this leads to problems when movie marketing can "take advantage of boys' need to forge their identity in adolescence and sell them a narrow version of masculinity." No the problem is that parents aren't teaching their children. If a child believes that they can become a superhero that is something that the parent needs to address not the media. It is the parents job to teach children what is real and what isn't. Of course your not going to become a superhero if a mutant spider bits you. No you can't be a superhero by creating some kind of super suite and fighting crime like batman or ironman. My 6yr old nephew knows that if a spider bit him he is not going to be spiderman. His favorite movie is Ironman. He has it on his book-bag, lunchbox, t-shirts, pajamas, everywhere, but he knows that Ironman is not real and that someone can't just build a suite and fly around beating up bad guys. He knows that it's the police that catch bad guys that's their job. If someone hits him on the playground he is suppose to tell the teacher because if he just hits the kid back then their both going to b in trouble. His parents have taught him what is real and what isn't and what is right and what is wrong.
It's also the parents job to teach their children about right and wrong. There are people that do have personal battles such as alcoholism and I think that it is important that superhero characters portray those flaws as well. Children need to know that no one is perfect and even if you do have "bad habits" that doesn't mean that you are a bad person or that you can't do good things. To show that superheros have flaws or personal problems brings it into reality. Gives people hope that there no one is perfect and that just because you have bad habits doesn't mean that you can't also do good in the world. Parents should teach them that you don't have to have super powers or a special suite to do great things for the world. Anyone can be a superhero to someone.
So I completely disagree with this "study" and believe that todays superhero characters are just fine.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
just a lil ranting cause this is ridiculous
The Flat Earth Society website
Earth not a Globe
wikipedia info
a debate
I was shocked when I found out that there are people that still believe that the earth is flat! I do not understand how they believe this. I've checked out their website, forums, debates, and such and I am just baffled by what I read.
These people believe that the world is flat. The north pole is the center of the flat earth and the south pole is a wall of ice that runs along the edges of the earth. This wall of ice is what keeps us from sailing off the edge of the world. It also holds in the oceans. They believe that there MAY be liquid underneath the earth and that could explain tectonic plate movements but their not completely sure about it. Gravity is due not because the earth is moving and it pulls us down, but because the earth is flat and is moving upwards in space so it's pushing us up as well. The think that if the earth were round that people in the southern hemisphere would have to hold on because they would be upside down, so the earth must be flat. The sun rising and setting is explained by saying that the sun is just underneath the earth. The horizon line is caused by perspective, that when objects are far away from you those objects seem to be closer together. And also we can't see the entire world because the air is dirty and mountains, buildings, and waves get in the way. They think that there is a big dome like bubble that keeps our atmosphere in. They use Biblical scripture as proof saying that the Bible said Jesus Christ rose from this world unto Heaven so of course the earth must be flat. But their main argument is that the earth is in fact flat is when you look around it looks flat!
Ok . . . . I'm sorry but I think that is the most ignorant and foolish idea that I have ever heard in my life! There is absolutely no reasoning with these people. They almost have an answer for everything except that their answers make no sense or they will flat out tell you I don't know how that works. For example the moon. They think that the moon MAY be flat. They don't know. They haven't decided. Even though you can watch the phases of the moon and tell how the light hits it that it is round. And also that its gravity effects the tides. Oh but they don't believe in gravity because they think that the earth is in constant motion moving upwards. However, if that were true we would all be flat because the speed would be greater that the speed of light and also we would all weigh the same no matter where on the flat earth we would be standing. Which isn't true. If you stand on top the tallest mountain you will weigh differently than you do in a valley. Also you would think that by just showing them a picture of the earth would be enough but nope they think that space flight is all faked. That all the worlds governments are faking the pictures, videos, etc. That man has never been in space or visited the moon. However they have no explanation for why sky divers even see the earth rounding. There are also several studies done one being the Bedford Level Experiment, which proved that the earth is round. The list goes on and on with ridiculous debates and explanations.
I am just astonished that people could ever possibly believe this!
Earth not a Globe
wikipedia info
a debate
I was shocked when I found out that there are people that still believe that the earth is flat! I do not understand how they believe this. I've checked out their website, forums, debates, and such and I am just baffled by what I read.
These people believe that the world is flat. The north pole is the center of the flat earth and the south pole is a wall of ice that runs along the edges of the earth. This wall of ice is what keeps us from sailing off the edge of the world. It also holds in the oceans. They believe that there MAY be liquid underneath the earth and that could explain tectonic plate movements but their not completely sure about it. Gravity is due not because the earth is moving and it pulls us down, but because the earth is flat and is moving upwards in space so it's pushing us up as well. The think that if the earth were round that people in the southern hemisphere would have to hold on because they would be upside down, so the earth must be flat. The sun rising and setting is explained by saying that the sun is just underneath the earth. The horizon line is caused by perspective, that when objects are far away from you those objects seem to be closer together. And also we can't see the entire world because the air is dirty and mountains, buildings, and waves get in the way. They think that there is a big dome like bubble that keeps our atmosphere in. They use Biblical scripture as proof saying that the Bible said Jesus Christ rose from this world unto Heaven so of course the earth must be flat. But their main argument is that the earth is in fact flat is when you look around it looks flat!
Ok . . . . I'm sorry but I think that is the most ignorant and foolish idea that I have ever heard in my life! There is absolutely no reasoning with these people. They almost have an answer for everything except that their answers make no sense or they will flat out tell you I don't know how that works. For example the moon. They think that the moon MAY be flat. They don't know. They haven't decided. Even though you can watch the phases of the moon and tell how the light hits it that it is round. And also that its gravity effects the tides. Oh but they don't believe in gravity because they think that the earth is in constant motion moving upwards. However, if that were true we would all be flat because the speed would be greater that the speed of light and also we would all weigh the same no matter where on the flat earth we would be standing. Which isn't true. If you stand on top the tallest mountain you will weigh differently than you do in a valley. Also you would think that by just showing them a picture of the earth would be enough but nope they think that space flight is all faked. That all the worlds governments are faking the pictures, videos, etc. That man has never been in space or visited the moon. However they have no explanation for why sky divers even see the earth rounding. There are also several studies done one being the Bedford Level Experiment, which proved that the earth is round. The list goes on and on with ridiculous debates and explanations.
I am just astonished that people could ever possibly believe this!
Friday, January 21, 2011
update on G-mommy
So G-mommy has been improving great and they were ready to send her to a long term care hospital sometime this week. My mom, Aunt and Uncle had applied for her to get into Wellstar Windy Hill Hospital and are waiting for approval. But then yesterday when G-mommy woke up she had no clue who she was, who anyone else was or where she was. My mom was there and G-mommy had no clue who she was. They asked her who her kids were and she didn't know. They asked her where she was and she didn't know. They asked her did she know her name and she didn't know. Later in the day though she remembered some names but gave them to the wrong people. Her nurse came in the room one time and G-mommy thought it was me and kept calling her Casey. No one knows why this is happening. She's not on any medicine that would cause this and nothing has changed in her condition other than she's getting better. So it's a complete mystery. They took her doctor off the case and now they have the head of the medical staff for all of Piedmont Hospital as her doctor. So the top dog is looking after her now so hopefully they'll get it figured out quickly and get her moved to the long care hospital.
So I just heard from my mom and today has been a great day for G-mommy! She knows who she is and everything. Her wound doctor came in and is so excited about how well her wounds are recovering. So no one knows what happened yesterday with all that but we're hoping it was just some one time craziness and won't happen again.
So I just heard from my mom and today has been a great day for G-mommy! She knows who she is and everything. Her wound doctor came in and is so excited about how well her wounds are recovering. So no one knows what happened yesterday with all that but we're hoping it was just some one time craziness and won't happen again.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Extreme Experience !

So for those who didn't know I got to be one of the photographers shooting the Extreme Makeover Home Edition: Beaufort County! It was an amazing, stressful, exhausting, thrilling, intensely EXTREME experience! I am so glad that I got the chance to be a part of it. It was incredible to be there everyday walking around on the construction site watching it all happen. To go from a tiny house to no house to beautiful two story plantation home in a matter of days is definitely something to see. I was amazed and left in aw on a daily basis. I got there on Monday the 10th, they ambushed the family on the 11th, and the family came home on the 18th, I went home on the 19th. It was a long crazy time but so worth it. It was a once in a life time opportunity and it's also one of those things that you probably only want to do once in your life cause it's so exhausting. lol.

I got to be there everyday except for demolition day. They were only letting one photographer shoot that day and it wasn't me. I was kinda bummed out but at the same time I needed some time to recuperate from the day before. And later that night I found out that the photographer that did get to shoot it actually caught on fire from one of the pyrotechnics! HAHAHAHAHAHA so I'm glad that I wasn't the one that was there.
The weather was pretty cold with a few days of nice weather and one miserable day of rain. I wore about 4-5 layers of clothes everyday and looked pretty funny.

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