Friday, January 28, 2011

just a lil ranting cause this is ridiculous

The Flat Earth Society website
Earth not a Globe
wikipedia info
a debate

I was shocked when I found out that there are people that still believe that the earth is flat! I do not understand how they believe this. I've checked out their website, forums, debates, and such and I am just baffled by what I read.

These people believe that the world is flat. The north pole is the center of the flat earth and the south pole is a wall of ice that runs along the edges of the earth. This wall of ice is what keeps us from sailing off the edge of the world. It also holds in the oceans. They believe that there MAY be liquid underneath the earth and that could explain tectonic plate movements but their not completely sure about it. Gravity is due not because the earth is moving and it pulls us down, but because the earth is flat and is moving upwards in space so it's pushing us up as well. The think that if the earth were round that people in the southern hemisphere would have to hold on because they would be upside down, so the earth must be flat. The sun rising and setting is explained by saying that the sun is just underneath the earth. The horizon line is caused by perspective, that when objects are far away from you those objects seem to be closer together. And also we can't see the entire world because the air is dirty and mountains, buildings, and waves get in the way. They think that there is a big dome like bubble that keeps our atmosphere in. They use Biblical scripture as proof saying that the Bible said Jesus Christ rose from this world unto Heaven so of course the earth must be flat. But their main argument is that the earth is in fact flat is when you look around it looks flat!

Ok . . . . I'm sorry but I think that is the most ignorant and foolish idea that I have ever heard in my life! There is absolutely no reasoning with these people. They almost have an answer for everything except that their answers make no sense or they will flat out tell you I don't know how that works. For example the moon. They think that the moon MAY be flat. They don't know. They haven't decided. Even though you can watch the phases of the moon and tell how the light hits it that it is round. And also that its gravity effects the tides. Oh but they don't believe in gravity because they think that the earth is in constant motion moving upwards. However, if that were true we would all be flat because the speed would be greater that the speed of light and also we would all weigh the same no matter where on the flat earth we would be standing. Which isn't true. If you stand on top the tallest mountain you will weigh differently than you do in a valley. Also you would think that by just showing them a picture of the earth would be enough but nope they think that space flight is all faked. That all the worlds governments are faking the pictures, videos, etc. That man has never been in space or visited the moon. However they have no explanation for why sky divers even see the earth rounding. There are also several studies done one being the Bedford Level Experiment, which proved that the earth is round. The list goes on and on with ridiculous debates and explanations.

I am just astonished that people could ever possibly believe this!

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