Monday, February 7, 2011

update on the family

Maw-maw has had 4-5 surgeries on her eyes. One eye took it the other did not so she kept having surgery on it and nothing ever worked. So they finally went in and took all the junk out that they had done to it and just hoped the pressure would return to normal. And it is. It's doing much better and she's regaining sight in her eye. So that's great.

G-mommy's wounds are doing great. They're healing just like they should and they say she should be able to leave the hospital in 2-3 weeks. Now here's the problem. G-mommy pretty much refuses to do her physical therapy. She complains that she feels like she's going to faint when she gets up so she just won't get up. Everyone has explained to her tons of times that you feel that way because your laying in bed all the time. The more you get up the less you'll feel that way. But she's stubborn! So when she gets released she'll prob go to a nursing home. My aunt and mom are looking into a rehab place in Dothan, Al. that might take her but we're not sure yet. If she doesn't get to go to the rehab place then she'll be put in a nursing home. :(

Mom and dad went to Atlanta to see everyone this past weekend. Mom stayed with G-mommy at the hospital. Dad went to see his mom and also stopped and spent a few hours with Erin and Eddie and the kids. They're all doing well no one is sick at the moment. lol. Mom is sick now though. She just got that yuck that every ones got but it's made her lose her voice.

I'm doing well. No job yet which really sucks. I just help out at my dads office in the mornings. Brad and I are doing fine. This weather is making my head hurts sometimes but that's better than what will happen once spring hits. Anyways that's about it for now.

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