friday was pretty dull spent the night at home watching tv. Saturday I got up and ran some errands then mom and me cleaned out the storage room in the basement. It took several hours but it looks so much better. we have lots of stuff that we have to take over to dads workshop and some big stuff we have to throw away but over all it looks great. i picked up my friend brooke and we went out to eat with ashley. we had a great time. saw an old friend james and some other folks. it was nice. then after dinner brooke and i went and played a little prank on a friend. we wrote on the truck windows and set up a blow up doll on the truck bed. hahahahaha. . . . it was pretty funny to the two of us. we took two pictures of it which i will post later. we had a pretty great night. sunday i got up and fixed lunch for my parents. we ate and then my dad left to go do some work. lol. no rest even on fathers day. so my mom and i watched tv together pretty much all day.
over all it was a pretty great weekend.

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