Wednesday, November 23, 2011

just a couple of things

Alright, so a couple of things. Not to much going on. I have been re-admitted to Darton and I'm going to take a math class next semester which will mean I'm done with my associates. Yes, I know I am kind of going backwards since I already have my B.F.A. but it's just one class so why not finish it. So once that is over I'll have an A.A. in Special Education and a B.F.A in Photography. I am also looking into getting a Masters in Art Education. I'll probably apply to SCAD-Atlanta again. They have it online and it'll only take a year. Now it's a year of jam packed craziness lol but still it's just a year. So that is what's up with that.

For Thanksgiving mom, dad and I are going to Gmommys. Dad is bringing Mawmaw down on Thursday to have Thanksgiving with us too. And perhaps my cousin Blair might be coming too cause gmommy tried to guilt trip him into coming over hahaha. But for the most part it'll just be mom, me, gmommy and dad this weekend at Gmommys. Dad and I are coming back on Sunday but mom is staying over to take gmommy to pre-op on Monday.

In other news. Yesterday Ansley jumped off the couch at their house and turned her foot wrong. She had a knot on it and wasn't using it so they thought it might be broken. Eddie took her to the emergency room and they said that it wasn't broken it's just sprained. She's got a little brace thing that she wears sometimes for it now and nothing stops her. She is still going full strong running all over the house hahaha. Children are so resilient.

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