Taxes on Soda
This is an interesting article that isn't blaming soda per-say but asking for a tax on sugar-sweetened drinks that the proceeds would go to encouraging a healthier lifestyle, such as adding more bike lanes, and after school sports.
Blaming Vitamin D
"Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health released a study showing American youth are facing potentially severe health consequences from a lack of vitamin D, which is also known as the "sunshine vitamin." (http://www.naturalnews.com/025834_Vitamin_D_teens_health.html) " So what I'm taking from that is youth need to get off their lazy butts and get out in the sunshine! Drink some more orange juice! And talking about lack of vitamin D is to blame for Diabetes? People get diabetes from either it being hereditary or from being fat! If it doesn't run in your family then just eat healthy and you won't have a problem with diabetes. They also said, "also revealed an association between low vitamin D levels and cardiovascular disease as well as type 2 diabetes. " Duh cause you need to get off your lazy butt and do something! "If vitamin D is the key to preventing and/or treating childhood obesity and type 2 diabetes the benefits could be enormous. " What?!?! SERIOUSLY?! NO the key is to feed your kids healthy food, get your kids up and doing things don't let them sit on the couch all day watching tv or playing video games. GET ACTIVE!
Schools to blame
They start off by talking about obesity rates in children ages 6-12. They say, " it is becoming increasingly difficult for students to make healthy food choices". Why are they giving children choices? When I was a child if someone had asked me what I wanted to eat it would be pizza every time! Their children they aren't going to make healthy choices! I will admit that schools could do better but if you don't like what a school is feeding your child make their lunch. It isn't the schools fault that children are getting fat. You don't have to let your children eat that.
Schools trying
Who should really step in and fix the problem
Pediatrician suggests taking children away
I love this article. I think that taking children away is of course extreme and there are more problems in foster care and defax they don't need more on their plate. But I think maybe he was just making a point that it's 100% the parents fault that their children are obese and it's the parents that should be blamed. He doesn't like that parents are taking the easy way out for their children by giving children surgery for their obesity. THEIR CHILDREN!!! The only surgery they might need is to have their tonsils out.
I also didn't approve of the author of this articles solutions. The author was still just blaming junk food and fast food companies and the media for pushing such food. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT! You have a choice to buy this crap or not.
Obese Police
A Pakistan police commander ordered that officers either lose weight or lose their jobs. He said that it isn't right that one officer has to take the responsibility of six. That being overweight they can't do their job. If they aren't able to run after criminals then they will be taken out of the field. I think this is a wonderful idea. There are so many police officers here in Albany and I'm sure all over the United States who are simply ineffective as police. They can't do their job because their obese. I have seen some who I can't believe they even fit in their cars! I am dead serious. It is that ridiculous. They should be taken out of the field and put at a desk and if their aren't any available positions for that then their fired. If you can't do your job then you shouldn't have it!
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