Well the weekend was pretty boring, however I did take some senior pictures which was a lot of fun. I took Ben Adams pictures, he's my friend Sarahs little brother. I can't believe he's that old! lol I've known him since he was born! Anyways we had a good time doing that on Saturday.
Ben Adams Senior Pictures on Casey Smith Photography Facebook Page
Sunday after my parents finished at church mom and I headed up to Gmommys. Monday morning I had a doctors apt. with my dermatologist. My psoriasis looks just fine no new news on that, however I do have rosacea now also. Woo Hoo! It started almost two years ago. I thought I was just breaking out from stress because it started about two weeks after I had broken up with my boyfriend. Then all the mess with Gmommy happened and I was wondering what am I gonna do about finding a new job, am I going to go back to school, etc. And of course there is always the little things in life that give you stress. As things started to settle down it got better so I thought that was it. This year however my face turned red in February/March and I couldn't figure out why. I tried a few new face washes, I drink tons of water, I try not to touch my face, anything I can think of and nothing really mad a difference. I began to think it was my birth control because I had switched that about two months before all of this started happening. (I'm really glad it wasn't that though because I don't want to switch to something new) Well I told the doctor what was going on and he knew right away what it was. He is so awesome! He really is the best doctor that I have. So yea now I've got medicine that will stop the breakouts so my face will be back to normal YAY and it should stop the redness from getting any worse.
So yes it sucks that I once again have something that I have to deal with for the rest of my life but at least I can treat it and control it. I try to be positive about things.
Anyways. . . after the doctors apt. mom and I went to go visit my sister for a while and take her some stuff that my parents had gotten them while they were on vacation and I had made the boys a camouflage lamp for their room and was giving my sister my hunting clothes since I never use them anymore and that way they don't have to buy Gabie new stuff. So we spent time with Erin and Ansley until she had to go pick up the boys from school. We saw the boys for a few minutes then we had to go and they had to get ready for some baseball games. I spent probably over an hour on the floor with Ansley playing catch. It's pretty rough on your knees when you're wearing shorts. lol.

We had a good time though. Then we headed back to Gmommys to pick her up. We were taking her to the lake house and my Uncle Randy was going to come meet us there and pick her up from there to take home with him. (my cousin katie is getting married this weekend in mobile, al. and uncle randy and aunt darlene are going to take gmommy with them) Well we stopped in Columbus to eat at yummy PanaraBread. Uncle Randys truck died halfway to the lake so Aunt Darlene had to go pick him up and they had to sit there waiting for the tow-truck. We got to the lake house and chilled out for a while waiting to hear from them about what to do. They finally called and it was decided that we would meet halfway between were they are and were we were at the lake house. We finally get there and they take Gmommy with them and mom and I went on home. We got home around 11:30 last night.
one of the 2 sugar baby gliders my sisters family has
their dogs which are so cute and sweet
Total hours on the road:
3hrs to Gmommys on Sunday
20mins to the doctors
45mins to Erins
45mins back to Gmommys
3hrs to the lake house
30mins to meet my aunt and uncle
1.5hrs home
It was a long day yesterday!