So Gmommy is now in A.G. Rhodes Health & Rehab. She's there to get rehab for her hip and arm that she broke before she can go home. Well we get a call Monday saying that she's got a urinary track infection, which isn't a huge deal cause she gets them all the time. However they said that they had already started her on an antibiotic. Well that is a problem because they didn't check with her kidney doctor. They really have to watch what she takes because of the creatine levels in her kidneys are easily effected. Well my mom got all pissed because the people at the rehab place said they knew nothing of her kidney doctor, even though the people at the hospital said that they had sent all that information to them when Gmommy left. Who knows? Well mom checked with the kidney doctor and he said what she was taking was ok, but that he had asked them for blood tests and still hadn't received anything. So my mom had to call back the rehab place and tell them to do all that. So that was Monday.
Wednesday we get a call saying that she isn't doing well. She hasn't been eating and she's very dehydrated. Well that's really weird because the only thing that cause that is when she's on heavy pain medication, but they took her off morphine at the hospital and started giving her something less potent. So my mom drove up there to see what was going on. She called my dad last night and was furious!!!! The rehab place had been giving her two dozes of morphine a day! She's 85 years old!!! You can't give her that! Stupid ass people. Not only that but her right arm which is broken is in a sling. Well these morons had the sling on backwards. How do you even do that? So of course her arm was bothering her. My mom had a fit! She gave everyone a piece of her mind. She was setting them straight about everything!
So that is what's going on. My mom is still there. She's checking on how things are going today and if things have changed then she'll be coming home. But if Gmommy isn't getting better or these people continue to be incompetent she's going to stay till tomorrow when my Aunt Darlene gets there.
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