One of the smoke detectors battery was dying so it was beeping and we looked all over the house and couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I took out the battery in one and change the battery in another and still something beeped alllll night long. It was very annoying. Saturday night though I figured out it was coming from the one in the basement and yanked it off the wall and took out the battery.
Saturday we got up ate at waffle house and went to Kohls cause they were having a wonderful sale and my mom wanted to gt some new kitchen towels for G-mommys house and I got a few new cloths as well :) Then we headed to the hospital. We played rummycube for a while and G-mommy had some quest so mom and I went and ate lunch while they were there. We came back and G-mommy wanted us to push her around in the wheel chair so we did for a little while and then we went into the family room and played uno for a little while. But G-mommy was getting really tired from everything that she had done so we went back to her room and she got into bed and rested. We left and went to get supper and went on to the house.

Sunday we got up, ate at Mcdonalds and went to see G-mommy. We washed her hair which was pretty great cause she actually stood up at the sink and leaned her head over the sink to wet it. Some of her friends came to visit and we went to lunch while the chatted with her. When we got back G-mommy walked the hall some and then we went and sat in that family room again and played some more games. We left around 5 and ate at fudruckers in colubus which was really great.

Over all the weekend was nice. G-mommy is doing great walking around and everything. I actually kinda looked at her wounds today and of course was totally grossed out but acording to everyone else who has seen it before knows that it looks sooooo much better. It's healing wonderfully. The only problem their having is that they can't patch her up without it leaking because of how her wound is. So we don't know what their going to do. They've got to get that figured out before she can go home. Anyways that's about it.
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