Pictures taken by the Wedding Photographer

It was pretty hectic trying to get all the kids ready and Ashley and ourselves but it all got done. The wedding was on the beach and it was lovely. I walked down with Chris, Andy's (the groom) youngest brother, and he hit on me the whole way down. It was pretty funny actually. Anyways. Ashley looked beautiful. We took pictures right after the ceremony and then headed off to the reception which was at Saltwater Grill. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!! Omg the best steak ever! We ate, they cut the cake, and then we headed on back to the hotel.

We all changed clothes and the headed out to Spinnakers. We had a limo which was really nice. We all had a great time at the club. Watching people dance and act crazy is always entertaining. O by the way there was some type of bike weekend thing going on so there were bikers everywhere and they were pissing me off cause they were horrible drivers. But there were some at the club and it was hilarious watching the dance. I danced some with ashley, with brittany, and with chris. Most of the time we all just danced as a big group. And a few times Brittany and I danced behind Ashley while she danced with Andy cause her dress kept sliding up and we were trying to keep her from showing everyone her butt. We got back to the hotel at 3am and Brooke and I went straight to bed. I was so tired. The kids woke us up around 7 but Ashley's mom stayed in our condo that night and was taking care of the kids. But we still couldn't get back to sleep. Brooke and I had lunch at Scampys which is always great, then went back to the hotel to change and go layout. However, Brooke realized that she had grabbed two bottoms and had no top to her bathing suite so we went out and bought one. We finally got to the pool and layed out. It was so nice outside. It was warm with a light breeze. It was so relaxing. We didn't want to leave. We finally did leave around 5 our time and got back to albany at 8 our time which was great. I took a shower and was in bed by 8:30 lol. I didn't even dry my hair. I was out by 10:30 and slept all night until my alarm went off at 8:25. I was still exhausted from the weekend lol. Over all it was pretty stressful, crazy but still fun.

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