Monday, October 24, 2011

a crazy wedding weekend

Well my friend Stephanie got married o the 15th. It was a pretty stressful weekend. I was one of her photographers, yes one, that's another story. Anyways that Friday was the rehearsal and I went to check out the church and see how things were going to be. It was went great, then we headed off to the rehearsal dinner. It was nice. Some people got up and said a few words but what really got everyone is what her dad said and what her brother said. It was so sweet and made every girl there tear up. lol. After that some of us went over to their new house that they were going to be living in and just hung out for a bit. I left around 11 because I still had to shower and make sure I had all of my stuff ready for the next day. It wasn't until I got into bed ready to go to sleep that the stress really sank in. I slept about 4 hours maybe. I woke up at 6am and tried to go back to sleep but no luck. I finally got up at 7 and just watched tv. The girls got to the church around 9:30 to start getting ready. I took pictures all morning.

Then around 2 we all went downtown to take the wedding party photos. It was a bit tricking timing everything so that bride and groom didn't see each other but we managed. Stephanie and Josh wanted to keep it traditional and not see each other before the wedding.

Well pictures finally were finished and everyone headed back to the church. People were starting to arrive and everyone was getting excited to get going.

The wedding was lovely. Stephanie looked beautiful. After the wedding some more pictures were taken and then it was off to the reception, which was at the River Aquarium. It was really nice, the food was good, and there was plenty of dancing. Everyone had a wonderful time.

There was of course when Stephanie D.R. fell and hurt her ankle during pictures after the wedding. She's now wearing a boot because she pulled some tendins. And there is a certain amount of blah feeling being a single girl at a wedding. But o well. No biggy I guess.

Over all it was very nice and I am so happy for Stephanie. She's one of my best friends and I love her so much.

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