Thursday, May 31, 2012
things that annoy me
if you have an appointment, no matter what it is, do not answer or cell phone. put it on silent and you can call them back. i guaranty that it is not a life or death phone call.
don't make an appointment that may interfere with other plans. don't make other plans that may interfere with an appointment.
just because you stepped outside doesn't mean that i cant hear every word you're saying.
don't get mad at someone else because you cant get an appointment tomorrow. its your own fault. you shouldn't wait till the last min.
what you think is an emergency, isn't. you can wait.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Memorial Day Weekend
They left Thursday night headed up to gmommys. By the way mom left the oven on Thursday and I didn't know until Friday night. Luckily the oven turns off by itself apparently and it does still work. Anyways then Friday morning they left and picked up mawmaw and headed on up to Gatlinburg. Here's what you have to know about gmommy and mawmaw. Gmommy is perfectly capable of walking around and things like that but she has almost no short term memory, mawmaw can't walk around but has an excellent memory. So my parents were in for a crazy trip. Every restaurant they went to mom had to go with gmommy to the restroom because gmommy would forget where she is and get lost. One time they went into a store and gmommy stayed outside sitting on a bench. When they came back out she was gone! She had wondered off in search of some shade. They found her about a block down sitting on a bench that was in the shade. One day she was wanting to walk downtown but they knew mawmaw couldn't do that. So mawmaw stayed there and crocheted while mom and dad went walking with gmommy. They made it down the hill and maybe half way downtown before gmommy got tired. She wanted to sit and rest then go back to the condo. Well dad just went and got the car cause they knew it was going to be several hours before she was ready to walk again and there was no way she would make it up the hill to the condo. Not to mention that gmommy walks so slow turtles pass her. So needless to say my parents has a great time this weekend with their moms. lol.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
an addiction
Risky Romance
In Love Puts Workouts on Fast Track
"Brain scans of people in love show increased blood flow to regions of the brain associated with motivation. These same areas have been found to be activated in people, including athletes, who are intensely focused on pursuing a goal, Campbell said. But only one study had examined whether being in love affected athletic achievement.
The researchers questioned nearly 400 athletes (265 female, 133 male) using online surveys, and also interviewed 25 Olympic athletes in person.
The researchers provided the athletes with a definition of love, lest there be any confusion, and asked whether they had ever been in love, and if so, whether they thought their performance was better or worse because of it.
Fifty-five percent of athletes said they thought being in love enhanced their performance. Men were more likely than women to say being in love helped them in their sport."
"Those who pine over a lost love might have a biological reason for their prolonged yearning. New brain research suggests getting over romantic rejection might be akin to kicking an addiction.
The study is one of the first to examine the brains of the recently broken-hearted who have trouble letting go of their relationship.
The researchers found that, for heartbroken men and women, looking at photographs of former partners activated regions in the brain associated with rewards, addiction cravings, control of emotions, feelings of attachment and physical pain and distress.
The results provide insight into why it might be hard for some people to get over a break up, and why, in some cases, people are driven to commit extreme behaviors, such as stalking and homicide, after losing love."
- Brain regions known as the nucleus accumbens and orbitofrontal/prefrontal cortex were also activated. These regions are known to be associated with intense cocaine addiction and cigarette addiction.
- There was also increased activity in the brain's insular cortex and the anterior cingulated, regions associated with physical pain and distress.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Also more pictures from the weekend can be seen on my photography blog or on my photography facebook page.
Facebook page
Photography blog
Wild Animal Safari
Monday, May 21, 2012
So after I read that email I went to register for the GRE but the website kept giving me an error message. Saying to try again later. Well I tried 8 times! Seriously! Finally I just called and registered. I'm taking it on Thursday at Albany State. woo hoo. So hopefully I can get the scores to SCAD in time. Also most people spend weeks studying for this test and I have 2 days.
Then at work there have been several idiots trying to tell me how to do my job! I really want to punch everyone in the damn face right about now. I am also still a little sunburned from this weekend. So that's awesome.
And apparently some people think that I am the only person in the world that has a yellow caviller! A friend of my parents txtd my mom today saying he just passed me in Cusseta, Ga. To which my mom replied it wasnt casey because shes sitting here in the car with us. Really people! stupid old farts trying to tattle on me like I'm some child. I'll be 25 in July! Get a damn life!
So if I don't make SCAD's deadline I can look to see when FSU program starts and apply there. If that doesn't work out I'll probably just go to Albany State and get certified to be a teacher. That way I can teach art/photography from K5-12th grade. Which isn't what I want to do but it's better than nothing.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Sunday, May 13, 2012
sarah: "am i burning?"
me & rachel: "naw you look fine"
cornie toes!
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Good Drinks
Strawberry Daiquire
Strawberry Mai Tai (The Sundial has a DELICIOUS one)
Rum Runner
Asti Champagne
Jolly Ranchers

10 reasons to get up in the morning
- I have to pee really bad
- I'm hungry
- I have plans with a friend
- I can't sleep anymore
- To go to work so I can make some money
- To do something with my life
- To get out of the house
- To help my mom with something
- To get to the bank before they close on Saturdays
- I'm at the beach and don't want to miss any of the sun
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
my lamps

This is a lamp I made for another friend of mine. He keeps it in his guest bathroom too lol. The lamp represents one of his tattoos. The story of the Koi fish and the dragon.

This is the first one that I made. I made it for a white elephant Christmas that my friends and I do. My friend who got it keeps in on her nightstand. They all loved it and that's what got me making more.

No I can not sell collegiate lamps but I can give them away lol. I made this one for someone who was graduating from Tenn. He keeps it on his desk.