So last friday I was already in bed, lights off, watching tv, ready to go to sleep, when my friend Brooke calls me saying we should go out. Well I already knew that it ment we were going to be going to Charlie B's cause that's where her friend Amy was at. She said we would just be there like 30mins or so. This was at 10:30-11 I guess. Well I got up put some jeans on and a tshirt, thinking we aren't staying long and I won't see anyone. (Which good for me we didn't) However we did stay till prob 2am so we saw lots of people but I didn't know any of them. But man we laughed so hard at some people. That's what we really do at bars. Watch and laugh at drunk people. Also just the crazy weirdos that we have here in wonderful Albany.
Some of the funny quotes from the night:
brooke:"what's he doing"
me:"he's doing origami"
brooke:"am i wearing a bra"
ok so we have no idea who this is but from across a dark and smoky room he kinda looked like my friend zach. so i had to take a picture of him and send it to zach. lol. we all got a good laugh at it and the guy seemed cool about it.

Amy, Brooke and I
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