Going to Disney World when we were kids and going to see all the characters together.

The first time I rode the Zipper at the fair. She made me ride it with her swearing that I would love it. And I did. It is still my favorite ride. I love riding rides with her.
Playing in the pool together when we were growing up. She helped teach me to swim in the deep end.
When we had to share a room when this horrible little old lady came to stay with us for a few days. Even though we were sleeping in separate beds they were right next to each other and she kept putting her feet all in my bed while she slept.

Helping with breakfast when we were little.

All the Christmas plays she made me help her put on for our parents in our living room. She would read the Christmas story out of the Bible and I had to act it out.

Going trick or treating with her

Being apart of her wedding.

Being there when each of her beautiful children were born

Ashton and I
Her waking me up on Christmas morning cause she was ready to see what I had gotten.
How we're both terrified of the ocean (probably cause we witnessed dad get stung by a stingray)
The family trips we would take, spending hours trapped together in the van.

Cheering at each others ball games
When some one is being mean to me and she wants to take care of them for me

Being there for me and helping me get ready for my 1st prom even when she was super pregnant.

The first time it snowed in Albany.


I love my sister with all my heart she's the best!

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