Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Peanut peanut butter and jelly!

I love it when I'm just sitting here and a random kids song pops into my head. Has nothing to do with what I'm thinking about or with what I'm doing. Today it's peanut, peanut butter and jelly! I have never like peanut butter but as a kid I loved that song and for some strange reason I sudden had it pop into my head and I had to look up the lyrics. Funny how we remember so much stuff from our childhood, even things as silly as a song.

First you take the peanuts
And you crunch 'em,
You crunch 'em
First you take the peanuts
And you crunch 'em,
You crunch 'em

For your peanut, peanut butter
And jelly
Peanut, peanut butter
And jelly

Then you take the grapes
And you squish 'em,
You squish 'em
Then you take the grapes
And you squish 'em,
You squish 'em

For your peanut, peanut butter
And jelly
Peanut, peanut butter
And jelly

Then you take the bread
And you spread it,
You spread it
Then you take the bread
And you spread it,
You spread it

For your peanut, peanut butter
And jelly
Peanut, peanut butter
And jelly

Then you take your sandwich
And you eat it,
You eat it
Then you take your sandwich
And you eat it,
You eat it

'Cause its good, peanut butter
And jelly
Good, peanut butter
And jelly

First you take the peanuts
And you crunch 'em,
Then you take the grapes
And you squish 'em,
Then you take the bread
And you spread it,
Then you take your sandwich
And you eat it

'Cause its good, peanut butter
And jelly
Good, peanut butter
And jelly!

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