Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Am I terrible for not feeling bad?

Ok so the nastiest prank I ever pulled was waaay back years ago. My friends and I were on our annual summer trip to the beach. We were young and on our own.
 Well that Saturday we had all gone back up to the room for lunch. Stephanie H. started complaining about a spot on her stomach stinging. I looked at it and sure enough she had a jelly fish sting. No biggy. Well she kept complaining about it and said it was getting worse.

Now being the thoughtful, sweet and caring friend that I am . . .
I told her that it would just stop stinging on its own. She wasn't very happy with that. So I told gave her the alternative. "Stephanie you can pee on yourself"
 Obviously she wasn't happy with that suggestion either. Actually she didn't even believe me. However it is absolutely true you can look it up. Well since I am know to make things up from time to time she asked Sarah if it were true. You see Sarah at the time was an EMT and carried her EMT bag on all of our trips just in case. So she pretty much has the world of medicine in there. I look over at Sarah and she just nodded her head and said yup. Stephanie of course still wasn't buying it. So Sarah and I began really pouring it on. "Stephanie I swear to you that it works. I've seen it on tv, on survival shows, discovery channel, I've read about it." Sarah of course was giving all kinds of medical reasons why it would work, how the acid in your pee neutralizes the poison. I'm telling you anything that sounded like it could be true we said. So Steph finally starts believing us and is contemplating actually peeing on herself. So then we play the "I don't care what you do, you're the one that's hurt" card. Like we didn't care. (By the way we very much do care about the safety and well being of our friends, but this was a little jellyfish sting come on) So then Steph asks us "How in the world am I suppose to pee on myself anyways? It's on my stomach. I can't very well pee up!" Well I jumped right in with, "Steph just pee and get some on a tissue and then hold it against the sting" Of course that disgusted Steph and frankly the rest of us. But I held a straight face. She still wasn't sure if she could bring herself to do that so I told her not to then. Keeping with the idea that I'm not trying to get her to do something gross and ridiculous. FINALLY she decides to try. She goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. Sarah and I have our ears up against the door to listen. (yes we're weirdos) The other girls suddenly realized that Sarah and I have been playing Steph the whole time and just wanted to see if she'd pee on herself. So their cracking up laughing now. Steph asks one last time through the bathroom door, "are yall serious! Will this really work? Yall are just joking aren't you!" Sarah and I replied with, "It works! Do you really think we'd let you pee on yourself if Sarah had medicine!?" To which Steph replied, "YES!" hahaha she knows us so well. We finally hear the sound of peeing . . . and being the sweet friends that we are, we started banging on the door and told her to stop "Stop, Sarahs got some medicine in her bag". She didn't take the news that bad. She really didn't get mad, probably cause we stopped her before the worse part. She yells through the door "I knew you were lying! Yall are soo mean!". I explained that we really weren't because we didn't actually let her pee on herself. Sarah went and got some stinging medicine from her bag and gave it to Steph. All was well with the world. And we all got a huge laugh.
After that Stephanie felt fine and she wasn't even mad at us.

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