Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Flu Shots

It drives me crazy hearing the MEDIA say that medical professionals recommend, suggest or even mandate that someone get the flu vaccine every year.  But it's true hospitals, doctors and pharmacists push for people to get vaccinated. Is it necessary? No! I know several people who have gotten the flu shot and then got the flu. I am not saying that the shot caused them to get the flu I'm just saying it obviously didn't work. I on the other hand have never gotten the flu nor the flu shot. I know several people who are just like me. So to make an informative argument with those who insist on arguing that I need to get the shot . . . (you can all shut the fuck up by the way, no one asked for you dumbass opinion) I decided to do a little research. Here is some of the things I found.
  • A hospital in Indiana fired several employees for refusing to get the flu shot. One of the was a 61yr old woman has worked there for 22 years. "This is my body. I have a right to refuse the flu vaccine," Hoover, 61, told ABCNews.com. "For 21 years, I have religiously not taken the flu vaccine, and now you're telling me that I believe in it." Allen Phillips a North Carolina lawyer has represented health care employees over the years, fighting for their rights to get out of mandated flu shots. He normally deals with a few dozen a year but during the fall of 2012 he dealt with 150! -Nurse fired for refusing shot
People think about it. . . if nurses refuse to get a shot and they work with the sick every single day do you really think you should be getting one?
  • "Jahnulie did not get the flu vaccine. "Every year she gets it and she still ends up here. So, for me, it wasn't different. I say FluMist, she end up having pneumonia so I feel like she's going to end up having it anyway," her mother said." - WATE.com
This woman obviously understands that if it isn't doing any good then why keep doing it!

  • So the flu shot contains three killed seasonal flu viruses. Right there you can see that your limited, it will only help with those 3 specific viruses that researches believe will be most common during the up comming season. "The ability of a flu vaccine to protect a person depends on the age and health status of the person getting the vaccine, and the similarity or “match” between the viruses or virus in the vaccine and those in circulation." I will comment on that subject later in the post. The side effects of the shot are : soreness, redness or swelling where the shot was given (duh), fever, and aches. So pretty much flu symptoms thanks a lot! Reason you may still get the flu: if you are exposed to it with-in two weeks of getting the shot (because the shot hasn't had time to work yet), or you are exposed to one of the flu viruses that were not included in the shot (which is most of them). - CDC explaination
This was a lousy site for actual information. The CDC has portrayed a very one sided view of the flu shot.
  • Now why it doesn't work! and i loved this article. The vaccine works by the inactive virus chemically matching with proteins in the body. These proteins then begin to produce antibody's to fight that certain virus. However if your body isn't fast enough at making them and you are exposed to the flu you will get sick. That's why they say it could take 2 weeks for it to fully take effect. Even though it really depends on your body, it could take longer. Or you just never produce enough antibody's to fight it. In which case it is a complete waste to get the shot in the first place. Another reason is you are exposed to soon after getting the shot. Another reason being that you are exposed well after you've gotten the shot. Meaning it has lost it's effect. Another reason is your body may not recognize the inactive viruses in the shot therefor it was a complete waste. Another reason being you are exposed to a flu virus that was not included in the shot or the virus has changed and the shot you received was a waste. Another reason is that your body can not recognize the active virus even though you were injected with the inactive virus. - Why it doesn't work
  • Here comes some scary truth for you.Researchers in Vancouver discovered that during the 2009 swine flu epidemic people who got the flu shot were actually more susceptible to get the swine flu! They did 5 separate studies in other area that all came to the same result as they did. "'What was a bit surprising when we looked at some of the data from Canada and Hong Kong in the last year is that people who have been vaccinated in 2008 with the seasonal or ordinary vaccine seemed to have twice the risk of getting swine flu compared to the people who hadn't received that vaccine,' [Professor Collignon from the Australian National University] said. " So if that isn't dangerous enough here is what is happening by taking this shot. If you get infected with a virus your body produces antibody's to fight it naturally. By doing so you body is now prepared to protect itself next year against that virus, similar viruses and some viruses that are completely different. However by getting the flu shot you stop that from happening. You prevent the natural way that the body defends itself. The human body is miraculous in how it works why keep it from doing that? People are constantly taking medication and vaccines for things that truly we just need to suffer through. Your body is your best defense. We have so many bacteria, viruses and other terrible things out there that don't respond to medicine all because they have adapted to it because we over medicate so much. The flu is included in that! There are HUGE differences between a natural immunity and a vaccine immunity, so much that to over look the benefits of having a natural immunity would be in my opinion idiotic!- It increases the risk of other illnesses including the flu
And I just hit the high points of that article!

So there you have it. My reasons for not getting the flu shot and why I think others shouldn't be required too. You should never push someone to do something with their body that they are not comfortable with or that they themselves know is not right for them. No one knows your body like you do and if you feel like something is wrong or you shouldn't be taking something then chances are you're right. Just because someone has a degree in something does not make them the end all be all knowledge of all that is right for you! Do your own research, find things out for yourself, seek multiple opinions (cause in fact that is what a doctor is giving you, their opinion). So get the flu shot or don't, but do it based on what you have learned and not what others tell you.

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