Wednesday, April 10, 2013

just a little rant

Today . . . . is an aggravating day. I didn't sleep well last night so I'm tired (mostly just tired of people though). I don't feel good because it's "that time of the month" so of course my fuse is short and people piss me off very easily. I'm not a grumpy, angry, crazy person during "it" but I do get pissed easier. And I have a tendency to say what is on my mind when I would normally keep it to my self. I don't say absurd things or anything. It's things that I was already thinking but wouldn't have said for whatever reason, I just don't have much of a filter on what comes out of my mouth right now. And that isn't a good combination when you live and work with your parents. They drive me crazy on a daily basis so this just makes it worse. And then I'm in some, I don't know what's going on with this guy, thing so that puts me in a bad mood. I had to reschedule things at work because other people had scheduled a closing for the same time another client was suppose to be here. So I had to fix that mistake that someone else caused. I don't really like Wendys but that's where we ate today and of course they messed up my order. (which isn't a big deal but since I'm ranting I might as well add that in) I'd really like to yell at everyone and just leave. Move far far away. Live on the beach. Start a whole new life or something. Of course that isn't going to happen. I'd really like to go to walmart and run people over with my car. Bunch of stupid, arrogant, ignorant people. Not to mention that yesterday I practically got into an argument with a skitsofrantic, drug addict at work. He's normally an alright guy, comes in asks for money or for some papers that we already gave him. I tell him we've already given them to you and he says ok and leaves, but not yesterday. He wanted to argue with me and get in a mood. And dad always told me to be nice cause he's crazy and we don't need him losing it and trying to kill us! So I tried to handle it as nicely as I could. I eventually went and got another secretary. She told him the same thing and he said ok and left. ARE YOU KIDDING ME. Seriously he was fine then. But for some reason he was going to get angry and argue with me. That's some bull shit. But that's my life. Whatever.

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