Friday, May 3, 2013

A busy weekend part 1

I'll start off by apologizing for this post being sooo incredibly long. This is a little late but it took a while doing the pictures. The weekend of April 20th was a busy one for sure. I left with my mom on Friday to go to Dothan to pick up Gmommy. We picked her up, which of course took a while because she had to get a shower and we had to get her together. Lol. We finally get her in the car and we head off to Atlanta. We stopped in Columbus to eat at Crackle Barrell. Then again in Hogansville for her to use the bathroom. Every stop takes a while cause Gmommy is on a walker, she's not as slow as she use to be but still it's a walker. My mom drove all the way to Hogansville then I drove the rest of the way. Mainly because it was dark and she doesn't see well at night. Also we were going through Atlanta, and she's one of the worst drivers ever, seriously dad and I don't know how she hasn't gotten into a horrible crash yet, so I always drive at night and through Atlanta. I try to drive all the time so that I don't have to ride with her. It's that scary. Once I was driving things went much smoother. We get to my uncles house and dropped Gmommy off. She announced that she prefers me to drive cause mom scares her. hahahaha. I'm sure my mom was offended but the rest of us thought it was pretty funny. Gmommy is pretty blunt now days. Mom and I get to my sisters house a little after 10:30. I was so tired. Dad was already there. He had to drive separately because he was bringing his Model-A up for my cousins wedding and he had to stop on the way up to pick up new tires for the car and get them put on.

Saturday was crazy! It was so hectic all day. My mom drove me absolutely crazy. I asked her at least 6 times what the plan was for the day. Not to mention all the times I had asked her what the plan was for the weekend during the week. She kept saying that Evan had a baseball game at 12 and then she had to be at the venue for my cousins wedding at 3 because my aunt and her were bringing the bride and bridesmaids lunch, snacks, something idk. I told her that she wouldn't make it there in time if she was going to go to the game. She insisted that she had PLENTY OF TIME. I said ok knowing that later I would get to say "I told you so". I love saying those words. Mom lives in her own little world where time doesn't make any sense. Well we go to Evan's game, which actually didn't start till 12:30 so of course it didn't finish till after 1:30, then we went to Dairy Queen to eat. I didn't bother mom with the time till after everyone finished eating. I wanted her good and panicked. lol (cause I'm just a sweet daughter like that). I asked her, "what time are you suppose to be there again?" she said "3 why what time is it?" I answered 2:56. hahahahhaa. Of course she freaked out and I got to say those amazing words, "I told you" It was a truly joyous moment. We all rushed back to Erins house. I got in the shower cause I didn't have to be there at 3, I was riding with dad and we didn't have to be there till a little before 6 so they could take some pictures with the car. Mom takes off with all her stuff so she can just get ready there. Dad and I get dressed and get ready and leave a little after 4 in the Model-A. It only took us about 45mins to get there. And mom called us twice while we were on the way complaining how far away it was, it's farther than we thought, yall will never make it in time. Like I said before she lives in her own world. The wedding didn't start till 6, that gave us 2 hours to get there, we had TONS of time. Erin and the family couldn't come to the wedding because Ashton had a game at 5:45 and he's been nominated for All Stars and he's pitching so he really can't miss a game.
We get there and I get turned into the old lady lackey. I had to take all of moms crap to the car, take Gmommy to the bathroom before the wedding, put more crap in the car, switch out Gmommys blanket cause one matches her outfit better, make sure her stole and pillow and other blanket were in her chair. By the way all of this takes place in The Vines Mansion. It's a beautiful place with lots and lots of stairs. Anyways. . . the wedding was outside and very pretty. It lasted maybe 10mins. It was great. Rachel, the bride, was beautiful as always and she just has the best bubbly personality. She was smiling and giggling through the whole thing. It was great!


 The reception was inside and very nice. The food was great. We got to see most of our family. My cousin Brittany is pregnant with twins and was out on the dance floor breaking it down for us. It was so much fun. I've got a bunch of pictures to post hahaha. We weren't sure how Gmommy would be at the wedding. If she'd get tired or start feeling sick, but she did great. She had a very good time.

first dance

my beautiful cousin Brittany who is pregnant with twins

tossing the bouquet

Jared & Megan are having a girl. Brittney & Ben are having a girl & boy

Once it was time for the Bride and Groom to leave they ran though everyone holding sparklers and climbed into dads Model-A. Dad drove them away. Of course what most people didn't know is that they weren't actually leaving. Dad just drove them around the area for a while then brought them back for them to leave in their car. lol. Mom and I made a nice old fashion type banner for the back of the car that said "just married" so they gots lots of people honking at them as they rode around. They had a great time. Everyone left after the Bride and Groom did. Mom and I stayed of course waiting for dad to get back. We chatted with Rachels mom for a bit about everything, but mostly sat cause we were so tired. They finally get back and dad, mom and I head back to Erins. We missed a turn and even though I was leading it was their fault cause they told me to turn right instead of left. It was fine though we got to Erins with no other problems and it turns out it was a better route than the one our directions would have taken us.

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