Dad and I got back from Atlanta last Sunday. On Monday I was planing on chilling at the house most of the day relaxing before I had to go to S.C. on Tuesday. So I did some laundry layed around then headed to the grocery store. I didn't even make it half way there! I pulled out on Old Dawson and wam my car freaks out! My check engine light was flashing and my "trac off" light came on. I could barely turn the wheel and the car is jerking and just puttin down the road, and of course there's a car coming so I'm freaking out that I'm going to get hit. I finally get all the way out on the road and I'm barely moving. I make it to Doublegate's parking lot and pull in. I revved the engine and it sounded like it was shooting stuff out. So I figured that it was just junk in the gas. So I sat there a min revved it some more and the engine and trac lights went off. Even though it seemed ok I wasn't going to push my luck so I decided to go home and get dads truck. So trying to pull back out on to Old Dawson and guess what. . . it happens again! This time I had waited till there were no cars at all. So I got down to my street and made the turn got about half way down the street and wam the car stops doing it and acts fine. THIS IS CRAZY! So I'm now mad that my car is messed up but whatever. I get my dads truck and go to the grocery store. I get back home and lay around trying to calm down. I went out to eat with my girls for dinner and it was GREAT! I love them so much and we always have such a wonderful time. I wish I could have hung out with them after we ate but I had to get to bed early. But hanging out with them for that short time did make my day better.
Tuesday I got up at 7am and left by 7:30 in my dads car for Beaufort, S.C. I got there a little after 12. I stopped by at my cousin Brittney and her husband Ben's office. Then I headed to the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition press release, where I shot for it! Because next month I will be one of 3 photographers shooting the Extreme Makeover Home Edition there in Beaufort! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!! It's going to be stressful and crazy but amazing! So anyways I shot that then went back to their office and sat around working on the photos. I spent the night at their house then headed back home Wednesday morning around 9:30.
Wednesday I got home and took a shower and unpacked again. Thursday I rested from all the driving and stuff. I worked on pictures and uploaded them for the ABC to pic which ones they want to put up on their website and facebook page. Which by the way all my pictures have my name on them!! It's so exciting. But anyways then Thursday night dad gets home and says we're leaving for Atlanta tonight instead of tomorrow. So I had to go pack real quick and we left around 7:30pm for Atlanta. We got there and hung out with some of our family at G-mommys house. I streched out and took the whole couch for myself and fell asleep. When everyone finally went to bed I pulled out the the couch into the bed and went back to sleep. And let me tell you about this sofa bed. . . most people think I'm short but on this bed my head can be at the top and my feet still hang off the bottom. But I was so tired it didn't matter.
Friday I hung out at G-mommys house all day and that night my parents and I opened our presents and then went to Callaway Gardens and saw the lights. It was really nice and very pretty.

Saturday Christmas day! Everyone is up sitting in the kitchen talking. I'm still on the couch no longer sleeping just to tired to get up yet though. I finally do and go sit with them. Dad took mom to the hospital to be with G-mommy. Then he left to go to his moms (Mawmaw) because he was going to take her to the doctor on Sunday. Quick backstory on my Mawmaw as if our family hasn't been going through enough with G-mommy being in the hospital my Mawmaw has now had 4 surgeries on one of her eyes and it still isn't better. So dad went up there to be with her. So I sat at G-mommys house till my aunt got back from the hospital because you sometimes need 2 people to get the garage door down. So when she got back and then left to be with her family I let the door down and then I left for the hospital. I stayed with mom and G-mommy all day on Christmas. G-mommy seems to be doing much better, however she's got a rash now pretty much all over. They think it's from being on those antibiotics for so long. Well it started snowing on Christmas and even though we were at the hospital is was still beautiful. I left around 8 to go back to G-mommys before the roads got icy. I made it to G-mommys ok and spent the night.

Sunday dad calls me and asks how's the weather there and I told him that we got about an 1 1/2in of snow but none of it is on the roads. Well he said that they got 4-5 inches of it and it's everywhere so he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to leave. Well here's the deal we were suppose to leave Sunday because dad had work on rental properties he wanted to do on Monday and I had a shoot on Monday. So I was a little bummed. But it's whatever you can't do anything about it so I went on with the day. I went outside and took pics of the snow and froze. I was wearing my tennishoes so my feet were wet and freezing but they were fine. I headed up to the hospital around 12 and picked up mom and we had lunch. We got back to the hospital and hung out with G-mommy. The physical therapist came in and G-mommy sat up on the side of the bed all by herself and kicked her legs! It was impressive. Then the therapist got G-mommy to sit in a chair. She lasted about 3min before she fainted. The funny thing is that we were all saying "good job G-mommy your doing great" cause she was! That was a huge improvement. The first time they tried to put her in a chair she didn't even make it to the chair before she fainted. lol. But they woke her up and then picked her up and put her back in her bed. She was helping them though. She was rolling over and scooting over to help them out. She's working hard and getting better and getting outa that bed and hospital. Anyways dad calls and says he's on his way to get me and we're gonna head on home. So that made me happy. He gets there and he has a cup of snow that he brought all the way from Mawmaws house. LOL. ok so it snowed there at the hospital he could have just picked some up there but nope he drove all that way with a cup of snow hahaha. Well he showed it to G-mommy after I warned him that she'll probably think your giving her ice to eat. And sure enough she tried to eat it! It was hilarious!!!! Dad had to take the cup from her. But dad and I left and got back to Albany Sunday night. So that was my crazy week and Christmas here there everywhere.

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