So Tuesday morning I went upstairs to see what we were doing and she said we were waiting to hear from my uncle. So then we decided that I would just go with my dad sometime later in the week. So she finally heard from my uncle and she decided she would leave Wednesday morning and dad and I would just leave sometime Thursday or Friday. So Tuesday I just ran errands and chilled out but Tuesday night I only slept about 3-4 hours cause . . . I'm not even going to get into that it's so ridiculous.
So Wednesday I worked from 8-5 and it was miserable. I was extremely tired, sad and angry. It could have been so much worse though cause I was alone at the office and I didn't have to do anything. So I had plenty of time to think about everything but never came up with any answers to anything lol. (like why aren't certain people talking to me?, why are other people talking to me? why are people such assholes?, how am I going to be able to do all of this? etc.) Well Wednesday night I get home and mom says that we are leaving that night because the weather was so bad in Atl so we should go ahead and get up there. But that sounded crazy to me so I convinced her that driving at night with icy roads was a bad idea and we should leave in Thursday morning.
So mom and I left for Atl at 8 am Thursday morning dropped off our stuff at G-mommys house then headed to the hospital. We stayed there all day and I left around 8:30 to go run to walmart then went back to G-mommys house to sleep and mom stayed the night at the hospital.
I went back to the hospital Friday at 12 and spent the rest of the day there and spent the night at the hospital with my mom. It was HORRIBLE. I am not a hospital kinda person. They FREAK me out!!! I had to turn around several times and left the room a few times too cause I get grossed out. O and because she's also got a staff infection every time we enter the room we have to wear these blue plastic robes and gloves. Every time we leave the room we have to throw it all away. The room was FREEZING!!! But G-mommy was burning up so we left it cold. So I spent all night with my heavy coat on and scarf wrapped around my neck and head. And of course the chairs that we had to sit in are like lawn chairs pretty much so we were sitting up and put a chair in between us to prop our feet up on. and we shared a blanket which only helped a little, but a little is better than nothing. And I was on the verge of a breakdown the whole time. At 5:30am they kicked us outa the room so they could do an x-ray.

"me at 5:30am in the hospital waiting room lol"
Then from 6:30-8:30am we get kicked out again cause it's shift change. So mom and I went to walmart to get salad stuff for the Christmas party we had later in the day. Then we went to breakfast. At 8:30 we went back in her room and hung out there till my aunt came to relieve us at 10:15. We then ran to g-mommys house got everything loaded back up in the van and headed an hour away to where my dads side of the family was having Christmas. We had a nice time there and left around 5pm to go to my sisters house. Our family then had Christmas at my sisters house and we spent the night there. Apart from not being able to sleep most of the week and especially not at all Friday night. Saturday night I fell asleep on the floor for several hours then moved up to the couch in the room where my one of my nephews pet lizard is and you can't turn his heat light off so it was REALLY BRIGHT in there all night but I was to tired to get up and go into the other room.

"Ansley laying on the floor with me watching a movie. It was SOOO SWEET AND CUTE!"
So today I woke up at 8 cause my mom, Rommie and Evan (my oldest nephew) are in the next room playing with playdoe being kinda loud. So I got up and went to hang out with them. I slept pretty hard though on the couch so it was alright. Most of today was good. I just layed around my sisters house playing with my niece and nephews. My niece was being hilarious today so that lifted my spirits a good bit. Some times she clings to me which just makes you feel sooo loved! It's a wonderful feeling. I mean I feel bad that she cried twice when I left the room but at the same time it felt nice hahaha. So mom left this morning to go back to the hospital and dad and i left around 2:30. We sat with my sister and mom and G-mommy till 4 then left to head home to Albany.
So we finally got home! I'm so glad to be home in my bed. I hate that my mom is still there though. And G-mommy of course.
So as if all that wasn't enough I'm sleeping in tomorrow and gonna try to just take it easy because I have to get up and drive to South Carolina at the crack of dawn on Tuesday morning. I can't leave on Monday cause I have dinner and Christmas with some of me friends which I refuse to miss! So I won't say what I'm going to S.C. for yet but it is REALLY EXCITING and great opportunity. So I'm thrilled in the inside about it but it's really hard to show it right now cause I'm so exhausted. lol. So I'll be back home on Wednesday again though. But then on Friday me and my parents are suppose to be going to see the lights at Callaway Gardens then heading back to Atl. to be with G-mommy over Christmas weekend.
So yea it's been SUPPER CRAZY!!!!
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