Chris and I had always wanted to get a dog, but we lived in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment for a long time that didn't allow pets. Then we moved into the house but life began spiraling so getting a dog took a backseat to dealing with everything else. But as I struggled to deal with everything I kept thinking how it would be just a little bit easier if I had a dog at home to keep me company when Chris is missing. A dog to snuggle with me on nights when I don't know where and what Chris is doing. A dog that would bring some joy to my life when nothing else was joyful. So, I started looking. I started doing research on dogs. I liked every Facebook page of animal shelters in the Charleston area. I looked at their pages every single day! I started saving money. I was getting ready!
Things got really bad at home. I kicked Chris out of the house again and I turned my phone off for a weekend so no one could bother me. I just wanted to be left alone for a few days. I didn't text anyone, talk to anyone, or check social media. I just chilled at home, alone, watching tv, and recharging. I finally turned my phone back on Sunday night and found out from Chris's sister that his mom had got him into a rehab facility here in town. "Ok. Good. I'm glad. Sorry, but I can't deal with all that any more. I'm done for a while." And they all understood. A week passed by and Saturday came around and I see this cute little dog that the Charleston Humane Society has up for adoption. And they'll have it out at a store on Saturday morning if people want it. I think oooo that'd thing would be perfect but I bet there's no way I'll beat the crazy soccer moms getting there 1st. Let me tell you about the stay-at-home moms here in Charleston. Apparently, these women have absolutely nothing going on in the mornings or during the weekdays. Because on every single post that an animal shelter would put up on Facebook, within 10 mins some lady would say she's on her way to get the dog. I'm talking about middle of the day on a week day! It was ridiculous. I was always mad because I had a job and couldn't just up and leave to go pick up a dog. And I wasn't the only one. There were many people who left comments on posts about how they wish they had nothing better to do during the day than go adopt dogs. LOL. There was a lot of jealousy happening.
Anyways, I figured, "Might as well try" so, I drove over there and sure enough some crazy lady had gotten there before the store even opened and before the Humane Society people had even gotten there with the dog! So, I left feeling absolutely defeated. How was I ever going to get a dog if there was always going to be some other lady getting there before me. I started crying. lol. In my car, driving around downtown in an area I didn't know, crying, and asking God why can't I get a dog. lol. Yes, dramatic I know. I had a lot going on OK! I knew they were having some other dogs at a PetSmart across town, but I couldn't remember what the dogs looked like. I figured they were probably not ones I would want anyways, but it's only 9:30am on a Saturday. I've got nothing else to do today. So, I headed over there.
I walk into the store and the Humane Society people had just finished setting up. There were two separate pens. One had some white chihuahua puppies (no thank you!) and a pen that had these adorable mixed puppies. Oh my gosh they were so cute. I ask the guy what they are and he said terrier mix, which really means we have no idea. He asked if I wanted to get in the pen with them, and I just couldn't help myself. I had to! So, I'm sitting there with these 3 adorable puppies and the girl puppy is just the cutest sweetest lovable thing you've ever seen. Her name was Greta. I looked up and the man and said, "Welp that's it! I've got to take her home!" He said, "Really?" I said, "Yup! I've got to have her!" And that's how I got my sweet munchkin!
February 22, 2020
She was 2 months old, 7lbs, zero training, curly tail, floppy puppy ears, big feet, and wrinkled face.
I was in love!
First day home.
First day home. She was so tiny!
Look how small she was! Ah! |
I had no intention of getting a puppy. I actually had been planning on getting a dog that was a couple of years old. One that was already trained and out of that puppy energy phase. But the Lord had different plans. lol. So, while Chris was in rehab I trained Greta. Taught her to sit, stay, spin, lay down, leave it, come, paw, and high-five. And we of course worked on house training. That took a while.
The first week I had her I took her to work with me lol. It was so cute.
Had to get her a hoodie cause she was so small and it was so cold out.
look at that face
3 months old
4 months old
5 months old
Greta at 6 months old
Chris was definitely surprised when I told him I got a dog, but he was happy for me and excited to get to be with her when he got out of rehab. I think he was also happy he wasn't having to deal with the house training part hahaha.
Chris and Greta meeting for the first time
I love her face in this one hahaha
Greta loving on Chris the day after he OD'd at home.
It's been really great having her after Chris passed away. It was good having a companion and having someone to take care of, look after, and play with. She's a great lil munchkin. I love her so much. She's a 1 1/2 now. The puppy energy is starting to calm down. She's fully house trained. Absolutely LOVES people. HATES bigger dogs. And doesn't know what to do about dogs smaller than her or the same size as her. She's funny.
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