Literally can't image how on earth I did that! The car jack bent! The car didn't move. I had it in the right place. Etc. Etc. Etc. I was cranking and cranking and cranking and the car wasn't moving at all. So I look under there and see this. I pull the jack out and can't believe what I'm looking at! This is my life! Absolutely ridiculous!
So, I didn't change the tire. The next morning I drove to Gerald's Tire to get the tire fixed or replaced. I was hoping just fixed. But of course life isn't that easy. Oh no. I need a new tire. In fact I needed all new tires. I knew that all my tires were looking pretty bare but I was hoping I could get away with going for a little while longer. NOPE. I needed 4 new tires.
I call my mom, tell her what's going on, and try not to start crying in the parking lot of the tire place. She says that they were going to buy me 4 new tires when they got here but if I buy them now they'll pay me back when they get to town. I then tell her that I lost my debit card so I can't even buy them myself. (The Friday before we took Chris to rehab, I lost my debit card, which I was sure that I left it at the bank in the ATM, but when I called the bank they said it wasn't there. So, I cancelled the card and ordered a new one.) My mom was shocked, "Casey have you ever lost a card before? Have you ever lost anything before?"
"No mom, I haven't! I've never lost anything! Ever!"
So, because I have amazing parents I handed the phone off to the guy behind the desk and my mom paid for my tires over the phone. It was a nightmare of a week. Then on that Friday the bank calls me and says they found my debit card! ARE YOU F***** KIDDING ME! I was so mad at those people. My card was there the whole time that woman was just too lazy to go check.
So yea that's my life always something crazy happening.
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