Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

This year for Halloween Chris and I went and bought pumpkins and then went over to his moms house (since we live in an apartment we don't really have a place to put out pumpkins, and our parking lot got repaved Friday so there weren't any trick or treaters coming to the apartments anyways). We carved our pumpkins, ate Chinese food, and then set my pumpkin on fire! It was great! Even Daisy, Chris's mom's dog, enjoyed watching us carve pumpkins. She laid in my lap some while I carved. Mainly cause she wanted me to give her all my attention. hahaha she's super cute and very spoiled. lol
Chris carve General Grievous from Star Wars (cause we had a Star Wars carving kit lol)
I carved a fire breathing dragon (which I just figured out on my own)
Chirs's pumpkin

My pumpkin with just a candle in it

My pumpkin once we set the FIRE!

from the side

my favorite photo of it. I love the swirl of the flames

Friday, October 24, 2014

My 1st experience inside a POLICE CAR!!!!

So this morning I was leaving a doctors appointment heading to work when I cop pulls out behind me. I think nothing of it cause I have on my seat belt, my phone is in the passenger seat and I putting down the road in traffic going 35mph stuck behind a truck pulling a crappy looking boat. About a block later he turns on his lights. I think hmm. . . he didn't turn on his siren so I don't think he's trying to go around me, is he pulling me over? So I pull over into the drive way area of a parking lot that is under construction (not in the parking lot but also not really in the street either). He pulls up behind me. I park and roll down my window and wait.

He walks up to the car and asks if I mind stepping outside the vehicle. I said sure. At this point I have run through every possible law that you can break in a vehicle in my mind and I can't come up with anything I have done wrong. I've gotten speeding tickets before but that's it and I always deal with those immediately. Then it hits me, instantly! Last year we reported the registration sticker on my license plate stolen they must think something weird about that stolen sticker, but how can that be?

He asks me to face the car and says that he has to DETAIN me for a few minutes because my car has been reported stolen!!!!! I say ok and while he's placing me in HANDCUFFS I told him that we reported the registration sticker stolen last year but not the whole car. He was super nice the entire time! Never once treated me like a criminal. He even apologized several times during the whole situation saying he knows that I didn't steal the car, he could tell the moment he saw me I didn't steal the car. He asked me if I had my ID with me and I told him where he could find my ID, registration and insurance. I sat in the back of his police car while he got those things from my car. He came back to sit in his car and I told him the whole situation about the stolen registration sticker. By the way I was laughing the whole time, cause this was the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened to me. LOL. He was even laughing too when he learned that my dad is a lawyer and the police office that took my statement about the registration sticker was a friend of mine. Also that I worked in the elections office at the time of the indecent so the offices just wondered over to the office which was down the street from them to take my statement. I did leave out the part about the county sherriff is a close friend of my dad, I thought that might be too much (but it did cross my mind. Sitting there in the back of the police car imagining my dad and Mr. Reggie laughing about this). He even joked, "great now I'm gonna get sued" to which I replied, "no, my dad will think this is the funnest thing on earth!" I thanked him for being so nice. We both had a good laugh. He said "now you're gonna have an exciting story to tell". I said, "I know! I've never been in a cop car before or in handcuffs. This is a first for me". He laughed.

The dispatcher reported back that the report says "car stolen/decal stolen" and that she didn't know what that meant (cause really who cares about reporting a stolen decal if the whole car is stolen). So he told her that he was going to undetain me and let me sit in my own car cause he knows that I didn't steal my dads car. So he let me out of the backseat and took the handcuffs off and I got back in my car. I spent less than 10mins in the police car, hardly a scary experience. He stood outside the car chit chatting with me while the dispatcher tried to get in contact with the Lee County department to figure out the stolen car report. The police officer and I talked about his camaro he had growing up, an old pick up truck he had, my dad's Model-A, all sorts of stuff.

Finally he asked me if my dad would be at work by now and if they could reach him there. I said absolutely! So he calls my dad's office and one of the secretary's answers and tells him that he's out until Monday! OH CRAP!!! I remember he and my mom are on an antique car club weekend trip! So then he calls my dad's cell phone hoping to get him even though I know that's not going to happen cause dad NEVER answers his phone. Sure enough after 3 tries dad still doesn't answer. So I tell the police office I can call my mom and tell her that a police office is calling dad and to answer the phone. He said that if she answers she can just hand the phone over to my dad and that would be fine. So I call her. The phone rings, rings, rings, SHE PICKED UP! "Hey, what's going on? How are you doing?" (in a cheerful motherly way) to which I responded, "I'm standing here with a cop, give dad the phone" (in a why don't you people ever answer your phone kind of way). She hands my dad the phone, I hand my phone to the police officer. He tells my dad who he is and simply asks, "Has your chevy cavalier been stolen?" To which my dad obviously replied, "No. The registration tag was stolen last year that we had to file a report for though" The police officer laughs saying he knows but had to confirm with the owner of the car and breifly explains the situation and that he's letting me go and that their department is in contact with Lee County's department to get the report fixed.

The police officer hands me back the phone and tells me he's letting me go and is sorry that all this has happened and to have a nice day. We laughed some. And he left. I then sat on the phone with my mom telling her the whole story. She was cracking up laughing with my dad and aunt, who was with them, about it. I was laughing too cause the whole situation was surreal. To get detained! Sit in the back of a cop car, handcuffed with the police officer being incredibly nice and joking back and forth with one another. All over a mistake on a police report. He truly was the nicest police officer I've ever met at least the nicest one that has ever pulled me over. LOL.

And that is my story about my 1st and hopefully only experience inside a police car.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Waiting in Line: What is wrong with people?

This is happening right now around the corner from where I work. 

I just don't understand why people do this sort of thing. It's bizarre and a waste of time in my opinion. Just absolutely ridiculous. In the article one man said, "Staying energized and staying hydrated is very important when you're dealing with this kind of situation," he said. "The most important thing is to make sure you have power. There's usually not outlets out here so I got my generator to keep everything charged up through the night." WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?!?!

Friday, September 5, 2014

Excellent Reporting

Do reporters even bother trying to do research, discover facts, use correct spelling and grammer?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

1st Anniversary

May 30th - June 2nd we celebrated our first anniversary. We went to Myrtle Beach which is where we met. We had an amazing time. We layed out on the beach, went to Broadway at the Beach which is where we met at the club there. We took pictures in front of it and reminisced about that night. It was wonderful! We ate some delicious food, and just relaxed. It was the best weekend! 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Mothers Day

This mothers day was spent here in Charleston. I couldn't make it home to be with my mom on mothers day this year but I spent mothers day with Chris and his mom. We went to eat at the Francis Marion Hotel downtown. It was very nice. It's an old historic hotel of course like everything downtown lol. The food was great.
at the Francis Marion Hotel

Afterwards we went on a tour of the historic Edmondston-Alston House which is on the Battery downtown. It was a lovely old house with tons of history. Like the owner Mr. Alston watching the Civil War begin at Fort Sumpter from the porch of his house. It was a very nice day.

They made us sit on the Joggling Bench twice. 
While waiting for our tour to start we sat outside and sat on the Joggling Bench. The tour guide for the group in front of us made Chris and I demonstrate the bench for their group. It's a super long bench that rocks side to side and bounces. Then during our tour, our guide (an adorable little old man), made us demonstrate it to our group. It was pretty silly and Chirs had to do the bouncing cause my feet didn't touch the ground. So I just sat there holding on the the bench. lol.  

I missed being with my mom on mothers day but
I did send her a giftcard and the most awesome card ever!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Biggest Fan

I made this video of Gmommy for her 80th birthday. It's long but it's worth the watch. I love her so much and she has been such a blessing in my life. I have been truly blessed to call her Gmommy.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Exciting happenings

So yesterday was a very hectic day for me but also very exciting. For starters I signed a new contract with the College of Charleston for a year. I also got a raise! WHOO HOO! It did take an hour and 1/2 to fill out all the paper work but it got done. It feels good to know I've got a job for the next year. And that they think highly enough of me to give me a raise.

Yesterday evening I shot the dress rehersal for the Footlight Players theatre. It was different than shooting at Theater Albany but I know every where I go is going to be different than the last. It felt great being back in a theatre shooting a play. I really enjoy it. Maybe I can make some sort of niche doing that. I did in Albany so why not here. Hopefully it'll turn into more business. Even if it doesn't at least I can put it on my resume and portfolio.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Busy Weekend

So on the 14th Chris and I had dinner with his mom and Tom at Middleton Place, a plantation near by, for his mom's birthday. It's beautiful out there. We got there a little before our reservation so we got to walk around before it got dark.

I took several pictures of us, which Chris was happy with at first but then he got tired of it lol.

Also Chris's friend Jonathan and Danny came to town to visit for the weekend. They got in late Friday night. Saturday we drove down to the beach where Jonathan proposed to Danny. It was so nice out. We went further down the beach than we normally do to get away from all the people. He drew a big heart in the sand with "marry me?" writen inside the heart. It was very sweet. Chris video'd it on Jonathans phone and I took pictures.

That night we went out to eat at Hymans, which is this very delisious restarunt. Sunday Chris had a soccor game. It rained the entire time but they kept on playing. I sat in the car and watched. Jonathan and Danny left Sunday afternoon. It was a great weekend.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Medication is such a controversial issue. Some parents over medicate their kids, giving them every vaccine known to man, Tylenol, vitamins, any time their even remotely sick their given something, antibacterial disinfectant every time the touch something. Then you've got the parents who believe in not medicating their kids hardly at all. No vaccines, no doctors unless horribly sick. And I'm not just picking on parents here. They're just really easy to generalize. The elderly often over medicate now too. Aspirin a day, vitamins, minerals, fish oil pills, lipitor, blood pressure medicine, creams, liquids, etc. It's ridiculous.

Most people want to blame the doctors. We're suppose to trust them. They're suppose to be looking out for us and what is best for us. So when people are taking so much stuff for so many things they blame the doctor for prescribing it or telling them they should be taking it. But the fact is, it's the individual who is responsible for the medication they take. You are the one who ultimately decides what you should take and what you shouldn't. It is up to YOU! Doctors are giving you advice. Their professional opinion. Read that again "professional OPINION" You don't have to do what they say. Look into medicine before you take it. I do believe that a lot of doctors do truly care about your health and what to do what is right for you but there are also a lot who aren't. You have to be an advocate for yourself. Find out what medication is right for you and what isn't. Also don't always take what a doctor or pharmacist says about the duration of that medication. You should look into the side effects for yourself, because often time the side effects are worse than the condition or they can cause the same symptoms as the condition in which case do you really want to take it.

My experience: My stomach was hurting a lot, all the time, when I was hungry, when I ate, after I ate. Just all the time. Then started the heartburn. Horrible heartburn practically all day. Worse at night. Then came the reflux. I won't even get into that cause people think it's gross when you tell them you couldn't swallow a pill because your esophagus pushed it back up. Yea it was bad. Well went to the doctor. They gave me some medicine (Prevacid) to relieve me of it temporarily until I had an endoscopy done. They thought I had a stomach ulcer (at the age of 20). Well the medicine actually started working pretty well. I had the endoscopy done and guess what no ulcer. Surprise surprise. They determined that I had GERD (acid reflux disease). They told me to keep taking the medicine they prescribed me until I took a 24hr PH test. I asked what it was and what it would tell us. They explained the test which I quickly told them I wasn't doing lol. My mom asked them if I took the test what would it do for me. They said it would just tell them more accurately how bad my reflux is so they can adjust the medicine. So here's what I heard, even though the medicine is working great now and I feel almost completely better we want you to take this awful test so that we can tell you to continue to take that medicine. Obviously I didn't do it lol. I took the medicine for several months and was doing great. I had changed my diet and how I ate which helped a lot. But after a while I started feeling sick again. I looked up information on the medicine and found that if you take it for an extended period of time it causes an upset stomach. So essentially the medicine that I'm suppose to take for my chronic problem I'm not suppose to take for more than a couple of weeks. Well that's just great. Now I hardly ever take it. I've got it relatively under control with eating habits and the occasional tums. But sometimes it just get too much and I start taking the medicine again. Only for a few weeks though to get things back in balance.

That's what medication is about. Balance. Sometimes your body does things it isn't suppose to. Sometimes it doesn't work right. If you can sort it out in a more natural way great but sometimes you have to take some medicine. Just know what your taking. Know the side effects and what can happen if you take to much or take it for a long time. Be an informed consumer and an advocate for your own health. Don't take someone else word for something no matter who they are.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


So for those of you who remember my post about all the trouble I was having with my car, here is the ending. My check engine light had been on also during all that crap but I didn't get it look at then. Saturday Chris and I finally took my car to the chevorlett dealership to get checked out cause they were the cheapest place. It's $45 just to look at it and tell me the problem. However if I choose to get it fixed then the $45 fee is waved. So I'm taking it as that $45 is just a small payment in the LARGE payment that I will be paying to fix my car. Because it will have to be fixed. I'm going to Atlanta in a few weeks for my moms birthday and can't drive a broken car that far. So we get there and the guy imediately says that there was a recall on something on my car and it might be the problem. So I'm hoping and praying all day that it's gonna be something simple. Of course I'm not that lucky. I don't hear back from any one and finally call between 3:30-4:00. He says that he was just about to call me. Of course you were. He procedes to tell me that my catalac converter is crap and I need a new one. I will also need the gasket that it goes in. Also my drive belt is dry rotted and I need a new one. Then he tells me the price. I wanted to reach through the phone and strangle him. A GM model coverter plus the other parts would come out to be more than $2000. A different shop had a converter not GM model for MUCH less. The total would come out to be $984 before taxes of course. No one ever tells what something is going to cost with taxes they always wait till you're there to hit you with it. So using common sense I told the guy I wanted the cheaper one. He understood and then proceeded to try and get me to get my car a tune up as well. I told him nope all I want done is those 3 things replaced. Just the $984 price! I will look into getting a tune up some other time. He tells me that they have to order the parts but they'll be there monday and I should be able to pick up my car monday.

So of course I am stressing about how much money I'm about to spend. I've got it but it is going to kill me handing it over. I was just starting to feel like I was getting ahead and able to start saving some again since the move. But NOPE stupid car had to crap out on me. It is 12 years old and this model isn't really made to last super long so everyone has been really impressed with how long it has lasted. Even knowing that my car is old and needing some major repairs now it still hurts my pockets. So we picked up my car monday evening. I paid an arm and a leg but it's over. I felt much better when I got home. The stress and worry of it were gone cause now it was over and I don't have to think about it. Just work on building back up my bank account lol.

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Sun

So many people love talking about things that they know nothing about. One of those subjects is tanning. You hear people go on and on about how bad it is for you but if you ask those people where they got their information they'll say something like, doctors or scientist. To which you should reply what doctors or what scientist. Ask for the names and what they said exactly. 99.9999% of the time people can't do it. I've yet to meet someone who has done any research on the subject them self. People hear others in the media talk about it being bad for you and they just run with it. It is so obnoxious. Incompetence does not equal innocence. It just makes you annoying. If you have not done the research yourself and can have a competent conversation about the subject then don't say anything about it. Also some people might say that their doctor told them so. Well if your doctor says that you shouldn't drink milk because you're lactose intolerant that doesn't mean that everyone else is too. That is advice that your doctor gave to you and you alone. Do not assume that everyone's body works the same as yours. When it comes to tanning the chatter normally comes from people who have very pale sensitive skin. Of course they don't need to be tanning but everyone isn't like that. There are plenty of people who tanning is actually good for them, healthy for them. There are several disorders where doctors actually tell the patient that tanning can help there disorder. There is even a guy who has a rare skin disease that tanning helps out extremely (Teen Tans to Treat Rare Disease). Psoriasis is one of those disorders. UV rays from the sun help in the reproduction of skin cells which greatly improve a person's psoriasis. I know because I have it and love what tanning does for it. Just spending 10mins a day for 3 days a week can help so much that I wont have to use medicine that week. A trip to the beach can clear it up for a couple of weeks. The sun gives so much to our bodies not just vitamin D. Not I'm not saying we shouldn't wear sunscreen. Everyone should definitely wear sunscreen. Is the sun good for people? Yes but just like water too much of a good thing can be bad. There's sun poisoning which can be very dangerous. It's all about moderation. People go overboard with everything now days, dieting, exercising, etc. Things that are good in moderation but when over done become extremely dangerous to your health. Use sunscreen but don't be afraid to get some sun. I hate when people say their taking vitamin D supplements and they aren't past their 60's. How about you go outside for about an hour!? Get some vitamin D the natural way. The way God intended. He created the sun a specific way and it works with our body in specific ways. Why are we trying to change that because some one some where says that getting some sun will give you cancer. Seriously people everything now days will give you cancer, aerosols, chemicals in our food, pollution from our cars, cleaning products, chemicals in our clothes and furniture, smokers, etc. You can't get away from it. Also cancer isn't something that you contract. It is created by your own body. Cells in your body freak out and do stuff that they're not suppose to. It is your body that's out of wack that causes cancer. It is all about what is right for your body. And only you know your body. No one else does and you don't know what is right with someone else's. There are people who are lactose intolerant, people who can't eat peanuts, and people who can't be out in the sun, but that doesn't mean that is how everyone's body works. All I'm saying is that people should condemn or condone something that they don't know about. If it isn't right for you then don't do it but that doesn't mean you can tell other people what is right for them. It makes people sound arrogant because of the ignorance. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014


Last night Chris and I went to The Footlight Players theatre in downtown Charleston. We went with his mom and Tom (her bf). They have season tickets and so now we're gonna start going to ones that sound good also. We went out to eat and then to the theatre. It was a good play and the players did a really great job. We had a nice time. It was good to get out and do something in the community. After taking pictures for Theatre Albany has made me very interested in theatre and community. I love helping out and showing my support for the community and the arts. Maybe I'll  see if they would like a photographer :)

Chris, me, Betsy (his mom)

Chris and I at the theatre

Friday, February 7, 2014

Apartment hunting

How we found our apartment . . . actually how I found our apartment lol certainly wasn't easy. Living in Albany at the time and spending the weekends in Charleston with Chris didn't leave us much time to really inspect places. I spent months online while I was sitting at work in Albany looking for apartments. I looked on craigslist and tons of other websites. I would even use google maps to to see what the area looked like because I didn't always trust the photos people put up of places. When in Charleston Chris and I would ride around looking at the area of some places. Sometimes we would get there and I would say, "keep going, keep going, DO NOT STOP". Yea there were a few that were pretty scary looking hahaha. We wanted a place that was in a good safe area since he travels a lot and I would be by myself. He wanted to make sure I would be safe. After months of searching online, driving by places, picking up pamphlets and application paperwork, making phone calls about prices, we finally settled on this one. I found it on craigslist. I used google maps to see what it looked like since they didn't post any pictures. I liked it. It seemed alright and it may sound silly but when I looked at google maps I check out what cars are in the parking lot. It kinda of gives you an idea of the people that live there. Is that a little judgemental? Sure, but it's also true. The cars in this parking lot didn't look junky. They looked like they were kept up well and there was even a porshe. So we rode by to see things in person. We really liked it. It is a small 4 building place with 8 apartments in each building. It is on a small street next to Savannah Hwy so it was close to everything. Across the street is an older neighborhood which I really liked. I don't like how apartment complexes are out in the middle of everything. I like the cozy feel of a neighborhood. Luckily these apartments were built before there were zoning laws for apartment complexes that keep them from being built near neighborhoods. Chris later called about the apartment to find out the prices. We found out the man who owns it inherited them from his father who built them. He a very nice and involved man. He really takes care of the place and when something needs fixing he hopes to it quick.
Another reason we chose this place was the laundry situation. Of course we would love to have our own washer and dryer (we even have them) but right now we just can't afford an apartment that would have them or washer/dryer connections. I also wasn't fond of the idea of walking/driving around to an apartment laundry facility where I'd be sharing machines with EVERYONE that lives there. And I told Chris right off the bat I was not going to a laundry mat. lol. He understood and agreed. This place has a washer and dryer for each building. So we only share them with the other 7 apartments in our building, which I am completely happy with. Which by the way we really like the people in our building. It's crazy but two of them are actually from the same hometown as Chris! One of them went to the same high school just 10yrs before Chris hahaha. So we get along with everyone and never have any problems with anyone. We even live across the hall from the apartments manager. That comes in handy when we pay rent. We just walk across the hall and give it to him. So that's pretty handy.
We also like it because all the apartments are one bedroom so there aren't any kids. Not that we have any problems with kids, we're just not ready for them and it's nice not having kids yelling or banging around next door or outside. There also aren't any pets. Now I love dogs. I want one really bad, however Chris is allergic to them and it affects his asthma. Seriously in the past month since he's been out of his moms house away from Daisy (his moms dog) he has been feeling soo much better. By the way we miss Daisy so much. lol. I want to go kidnap her and bring her home. Oh well. So even though I would like to have a dog Chris's health is much more important and I want him to feel well more than I want a dog.
We had a fresh coat of paint on the walls and nice clean carpet when we moved in. We have ceiling fans and double pane glass windows that help with heating & air costs also being on the 2nd floor we stay pretty warm from the hot air rising from downstairs. We have one of those efficient toilets that help reduce the amount of water used. We are really happy that we chose this place for our 1st apartment together. We're very happy where we are.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

my week

Just a little ranting about the week I've had.

I get home Monday and I'm doing laundry and one of the neighbors informs me that one of my tires is flat. Just great! So Chris and I get out in the parking lot, by the way it was dark outside, and change the tire. Ok so Chris changed the tire and I held the flashlight (it's an important job too). The spare tire looks real good let me tell you. hahaha. . . Oh did I mention that the tire that is flat is only 8 months old! Yea freaking brand new practically. Chris went out of town book buying this week and left on Tuesday morning, so I do have to be thankful that it went flat while he was in town and while we were home. If it had happened on the road while he was out of town I don't know what I would have done. It would have been 10x as stressful.

Oh did I also mention that only two weeks ago I went to take my car to get an oil change and they had to fix my front tires. Yea apparently when I bought two new tires last year at sams (you have to put new tires on the back, so they moved the back tires up to the front) they put the front tires on backwards on the rims. Now maybe you're like me and never knew that tires had a front and back but they do. So on top of an oil change they also had to turn my front tires around ($18 for each tire).

Now the newer back tire went flat and I'm riding around on the spare. Luckily I'm riding the bus to work. I only drive about 2 miles to the mall in the morning and then 2 miles back home in the evening. So I left the spare on there until Wednesday. I went by treadquarters on Wednesday evening after work. They checked out the tire and the whole time I prayed that where ever the invisible hole was it could be patched. The man comes back in and lets me know that he couldn't patch it. I need a new tire! I was so angry. Not at the man but at the situation. The continuous small problems with my car that are adding up to be an expensive problem.

Oh also my check engine light has been on for 2 weeks. hahaha. Yup good ol' car is starting to show it's age. I was sitting the the parking garage downtown waiting to go into work (back before I was riding the bus). That's all I was doing, sitting there in the car, parked, idling when the light popped on. It's still on 2 weeks later. We've been putting it off because of how much it's going to cost. Just for someone to look to see what the problem is will be $45. Then I have to get it fixed! So as you can tell I'm pretty annoyed.

All of that was just about my car.  There's still more to my crappy week. On Tuesday the bus was 10mins late so of course that made me 10mins late to work! It totally stressed me out cause I'm at a new job and still getting to know everyone and their personalities. It really doesn't look good being so late when you're new. Well even though I was mad I chose to ride the bus again on Wednesday. What do you know late again!This time the bus was only about 7mins late but then got stuck in traffic so I was 15mins late to work! I was livid! I have no decided to ride the earlier bus. I'll get to work about 20mins early but I can go sit in the faculty/staff lounge and eat my breakfast before going into the office. I rode the earlier bus today and it was great. Less people ride it and I wasn't sitting on the bus stressing out about being late. So that was a relief. I guess it all worked out for the better. I know God had a plan.

Onto the last little bit. Sleep. I thought that with Chris gone this week I'd sleep really good. I'd have the bed all to myself, non of his snoring or sleeping in the middle of the bed and pushing me up to the wall. lol. I thought it would sleep really good but I was wrong. It felt weird sleeping in my spot with him not on his. It felt weird sleeping in the middle of the bed. I couldn't get comfy and when I woke up during the night it took me forever to fall back to sleep. Especially last night. I didn't sleep worth crap last night. It was horrible! Apparently I need him sleeping next to me with his random snoring and movements. hahaha . . . Kinda sweet I guess. Thankfully he comes home tomorrow so hopefully I get some great sleep tomorrow night cuddled up next to him.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

job hunting

Since deciding to move to Charleston I have applied to a ridiculous amount of jobs and sent my resume pretty much every where. To give you an idea just during the months of November and December I applied to over 50 jobs. Yea that's a ton! But I'll start at the beginning.

I dropped off an application for a secretary position at the police department on July 5th.  I got an interview with them on July 16th. I took a polygraph test for them on August 9th. In case you missed that is a 3 week space where I could have been doing other things for them such as the background check. On August 21st I received a personal history questionnaire which was pretty thick. I turned it back in on August 23rd. I had several email and phone conversations with the background investigator (mainly because she was incompetent and didn't seem to know how to read). All of my paper work from all of that was turned in to the Chief of Police to make a decision on September 6th. I had several phone conversations with the head of human resources about whether a decision had been made yet the last one being on Friday October 8th when she said she hadn't heard anything yet. The following Monday I received a letter saying that they had chosen someone else. Of course that means that the lady in charge of human resources actually lied to me on Friday. That made me rather angry. Over all it took from July 5th - October to make a decision, which is absolutely absurd. I found out later from someone I know that works in the police department that they chose someone else because I was way over qualified. Now if that sounds ridiculous to you you're not alone. Me and everyone I know believes that they had someone in mind that they wanted to hire but for some reason kept dragging me along. It doesn't take months to figure out if someone is under or over qualified for a position.

Anyways after aaaalllll of that nonsense I really hit the job hunting hard. I sent out me resume to every photographer I could find in Charleston. I applied to countless adds on craigslist, monster, careerbuilder, indeed, and many others. I applied for receptionist jobs at dentist offices, doctor offices, hospitals, veterinary offices, salons, spas, construction company's, schools, church's, day cares, hobby lobby, michaels, barns and noble, and anything I thought I could do. I got many email responses, of course most being a computer automated thank you for your interest but . . . blah blah blah. I even got some scam responses where they would say some like thanks for your interest in the postion but it's been filled however I am looking for a personal assistant. Please email me back with your full name, address, drivers license number, social security number, and phone number so that I can do a back ground check. HA I reported most of them to craigslist and gmail. I did go on several interviews which I never heard back from. Finally I got a call from a lady at Randstad. It's a temp agency. I had applied to a job they had posted for one of their clients. Well I had an interview with her and went ahead and signed all the paperwork to work for Randstad. So now I am an employee of Randstad. She sent my information to several different clients she thought I would be a good fit for. I had an interview with one of them. Didn't get the job though of course. lol.

Finally she called up on Friday January 17th and said that there was a position open starting on Tuesday at the College of Charleston. I said yes, of course. I started working on Tuesday at the College of Charleston at the School of Business in the Student Success Center. I man the front desk which is pretty good so far. It is a temporary job but I will be considered for the position permanently once things settle down and my supervisor at the school and her supervisor sit down and discuss what they want to do. I'm hoping that with me being there for a while and learning the ropes they won't want to bring a new person in and have to start all over again. So I'm working hard whenever they have something for me to do. I'm trying to show them that I'm friendly and personal and mostly that I can be an invaluable employee for their office.

So that's everything I've gone through so far in a short little post and where I am now.

1st experience riding public trasnportation

Let me share my lame adventure of my 1st day riding the Express Carta bus to and from work.

So yesterday I choose to try out the Express Carta bus instead of driving to work and having to park in a parking garage which costs $12 and that was the cheaper one! The Express Carta isn't the regular bus. It makes only a few stops and is mainly for people who work downtown but live in West Ashley or Mount Pleasant. I live in West Ashley. Now it's a park and ride type of deal which is really great. The stop in West Ashley is at the Citadel Mall which is probably a mile from where I live. So it works out great. Instead of dealing with traffic getting downtown and leaving downtown I just have to drive over to the mall, leave my car and hop on the bus. Another great reason to ride the bus is it's $3 a ride for the bus which is half of what I was paying to park downtown. Also I get to sleep in about 10mins later than when I drove myself.

So back to my tale of how the first day riding the bus went. I woke up yesterday morning, got ready and headed over to the mall. My bus pick up time is 8:05. I got there around 7:50 since it was my first day riding I didn't want to miss it. The bus showed up, I got on, paid my $3 and sat down. Everything went fine. I got off the bus at the correct stop and walked the 2 blocks to work. I felt pretty good about everything. Now the ride home was a little different. I walked back to the same bus stop that I got off at. That was my first mistake. I looked around wondering if there was a bus stop across the street that I should be standing at instead. Yes, the thought did occur to me that I should be on the otherside of the street to catch a bus going that direction. Unfortunately for me I didn't see one. Now the bus stop pick up time in the pamphlet thing I had said the bus would be there at 5:31, well it showed up at 5:15. I was a little skeptical but got on it anyways. And of course it was going the opposite direction I needed to be going. So I rode it all the way to Mount Pleasant, which is the end of the line on that side, West Ashley being the end of the other side. So at the last stop in Mount Pleasant when everyone else had gotten off the bus, I went up to the bus driver and told him what happened. He was nice about it and explained that the bus turns around and becomes that bus and drives the route back to West Ashley. That's exactly what I was hoping he would say. So I sat back down and rode the whole route back to West Ashley. The bus driver was really nice and even pointed out the stop that I will be at in the afternoons. Finally after a whole extra hour of being on the bus I arrived at the mall. Totally I rode 30mins in the wrong direction, another 30mins in the right direction back downtown (btw I was the only person on the bus during that time) and finally the 30mins from downtown to the mall. 

It wasn't bad or scary, just boring. I felt pretty stupid of course. At least it won't happen again and now I know where my bus stop downtown is.

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Move

For those of you catching up I have finally made the move to Charleston, SC. Chris and I moved in on Saturday the 4th. It was very hectic to begin with. I had an interview on Friday at 2, which of course I didn't get so it was a huge waste of time, and after the interview I drove to Albany to get all my stuff. My parents and I left at 6am on Saturday morning headed for Charleston. YES, 6AM! It wasn't totally horrible. We got the Charleston a lil after lunch and started unloading. My mom and I unloaded the easy things like the kitchen stuff and coffee tables. Chris and my dad unloaded all the furniture. Once everything was unloaded my parents checked into their hotel down the street and Chris and I unpacked some more stuff. We took them out for dinner to say thanks for all their help. Sunday my parents came back over. The weather was nasty out so they didn't want to go tour around Charleston so they went to the grocery store with me. Chris had to work. My parents left Sunday afternoon. Chris's mom and Tom came by Sunday night to check out our apartment. It was a quick visit.

Things have been really great our first week in our apartment. I've cooked every night and may I say it was pretty dang good. I've even made some banana bread which we've both gone crazy over. I still don't have a job but I have gone on some interviews. It works out well though because Chris has been working like crazy since it's the beginning of the semester and everyone is getting and selling the textbooks. So I've been available to deal with getting the internet hooked up, being at home for our landlord to come fix the hot water knob in our shower, go get grocery's, etc.

We're both so excited to be starting this new adventure in life together. Nothing in life is ever easy but things can always be wonderful when you're with the right person. Together we can do anything and we plan on doing everything. We're going to experience the world together.