Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween 2014

This year for Halloween Chris and I went and bought pumpkins and then went over to his moms house (since we live in an apartment we don't really have a place to put out pumpkins, and our parking lot got repaved Friday so there weren't any trick or treaters coming to the apartments anyways). We carved our pumpkins, ate Chinese food, and then set my pumpkin on fire! It was great! Even Daisy, Chris's mom's dog, enjoyed watching us carve pumpkins. She laid in my lap some while I carved. Mainly cause she wanted me to give her all my attention. hahaha she's super cute and very spoiled. lol
Chris carve General Grievous from Star Wars (cause we had a Star Wars carving kit lol)
I carved a fire breathing dragon (which I just figured out on my own)
Chirs's pumpkin

My pumpkin with just a candle in it

My pumpkin once we set the FIRE!

from the side

my favorite photo of it. I love the swirl of the flames